The purpose of this program is to help me remember shell commands.
recall is invoked with a list of arguments describing the desired operation, e.g.:
$ recall volume up
amixer -Mq set Master 1%+
increase volume
amixer -Mq set Master 1%-
decrease volume
The output includes one line for each command matching the arguments along with a description.
Commands are defined in commands.h and can optionally include a description and a list of additional keywords:
Command commands[] = {
/* command description additional keywords */
{ "amixer -Mq set Master 1%-", "decrease volume", "down lower sound" },
{ "amixer -Mq set Master 1%+", "increase volume", "raise sound up" },
If you find yourself defining the same additional keywords for lots of commands, you can instead define synonyms which apply to all commands:
Synonym synonyms[] = {
"display find list print show view",
"information status",
Shell history and tab completion is only helpful if you know part of the command
you're looking for. For instance, if I want to increase the volume, I often
forget that I even need to use amixer
, let alone the rest of the command. So I
have to ask Google or maintain a list of commands and their descriptions. This
program is just a fancy replacement for that list.