This repository contains my personal project created to learn and explore Apache Airflow. The goal of this project is to gain hands-on experience with workflow orchestration, DAG creation, and task scheduling
This dashboard shows:
- Habitat Distribution: Analysis of the habitats of endangered species.
- Threat Analysis: Identification of key threats to endangered species.
- Conservation Actions: Overview of conservation efforts for species at risk.
- Country Ranking: Top 20 countries with the highest number of endangered species.
Tools: Airflow, pandas
- Extract data from IUCN official API
- Transform raw data into structured tables
- Upload data to AWS S3 for storage and further use

- Extraction
Data is retrieved from the IUCN Red List API in two main categories:
- Code Descriptions: Metadata about habitat, threat, and conservation action codes.
- Endangered Species Data: Information on species names, categories, population trends, and other attributes.
- Transformation
The raw endangered species data is processed and aggregated to prepare it for analysis:
- Aggregations include summarizing species counts by habitat, threat type, and country.
- The pipeline maps habitat and threat codes to their descriptions using the metadata extracted earlier.
The processed data is saved locally as CSV files.
- Loading
The aggregated CSV files are uploaded to AWS S3.
Usage guide
- Create
file with user id, project directory and IUCN api key. User id can be found by runningid -u
in terminal - Run Docker containers. Here are some helpful commands
# Initialize
$ docker compose up airflow-init
$ docker compose build
# Start all services
$ docker compose up
# Clean up to restart
$ docker compose down --volumes --remove-orphans
$ rm -rf '<DIRECTORY>'
# Stop and delete containers, delete volumes with database data and download images
$ docker compose down --volumes --rmi all
- Open Airflow UI via http://localhost:8080/
- Connect AWS S3 bucket in Airflow. Go to Admin > Connection and add following fields
- Connection Id: s3_conn
- Connection Type: Amazon Web Services
- Extra:
{ "aws_access_key_id": "your_access_key_id", "aws_secret_access_key": "your_secret_access_key" }
- Run DAG
Tools: streamlit
Objective: Visualize data distribution using pie charts and other graphical representations
IUCN Red List: Provides conservation status for various species
IUCN 2024. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2024-2 <>