The main notebook is the Budapest Data Meetups.ipynb.
There is another notebook (Budapest-Meetup-Members-Graph.ipynb) that creates the graph data.
Feel free to add your own notebooks.
The crawler is written in python. To install the dependencies run pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
For usage information on the crawler, use the help.
$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] --apikey APIKEY {groups,members}
Meetup API Crawler
positional arguments:
{groups,members} The crawl command to execute
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--apikey APIKEY Meetup API Key. Check:
To query the meetup API, you need an API key.
Example: To crawl the members for the data meetups into the members.csv
file, run the following:
$ python3 members --apikey [YOUR_API_KEY] > members.csv
The following prepared data sets are available:
Data: data/meetup_groups_budapest_all.csv
4.41;The Budapest New Technology Meetup Group;408089;newtech-42;4315
4.67;Budapest Science Meetup;1286482;BpScienceMeetup;1993
Data: data/meetup_groups_budapest_data.csv
4.54;Budapest Data Science Meetup;1632914;budapest_data_science;2711
4.77;Hungarian Natural Language Processing Meetup;3418472;Hungarian-nlp;968
This graph contains meetup groups as nodes. The size of the nodes are the membership counts. The edges are common memberships, the Weight is the number of common members.
Data: data/members_budapest_data.csv
hu;Budapest;1464271220000;A. Asbot;1500461845000;186451270;budapest_data_science
hu;Budapest;1432103533000;A.J. Lumijärvi;1478694290000;186768573;budapest_data_science
hu;Budapest;1474229938000;Ábel Fóthi;1478776809000;151890652;budapest_data_science
The nodes are users and they are conected if they are both members in at least 5 of the same groups.