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Tracking via the JSON API

Arnaud PICHERY edited this page Oct 19, 2018 · 3 revisions

For tracking from custom applications, you can use the raw JSON API of WT1.

The API is available on the /public/events mount point. It accepts JSON POST requests.

The JSON message must following the following structure:

   "visitorId" : "Visitor id (arbitrary string)",
   "sessionId" : "Session id (arbitrary string)",
   "vparams" : "Query-string-encoded visitor params",
   "sparams" : "Query-string-encoded session params",
   "ua" : "User-agent, string identifying the generating application",
   "clientLang" : "ISO code of the client language",
   "events" : [
      /* List of events in this tracking request */
          "type" : " 'page' or 'event'",
          "clientTS" : 1230123103, /* ms since Epoch */
          "page" : "arbitrary string identifying the original 'location' of the event",
          "params": "Query-string-encoded event params"

When using the API, you are responsible for supplying the visitor id and session id.