Submission Blurb: "Uses the employment prediction data from the UKCES LMI API, endpoint /wf/, as well as /soc/ and other sources. Allows a user to visually represent the future job trends, as well as (currently limited) statistical analysis.
Initially planned as a tool to programatically identify anomalies/issues in the pattern of future job growth, but the data returned by LMI turned out to be too regular for this to work perticularly effectively. The historical data is interesting, but unfortunately not in line with the aim of the hack day. "
In this example we make use of UKCES's LMI Api for the data, as described above. Ideally to expand the project it would need a more expansive and in depth data source, or sources, but this was the best available at the time.
Kaelan Fouwels 2014 - @kfouwels on Twitter, Github and Outlook.