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A simplified version of Python’s logging module. Debugging levels, log formatting and log output are preconfigured. Grip and rip.
Inspired by the logging shortcuts in everyblock_code.
Django is not required, but it adds some functionality. By default, messages at or above logging module’s “debug” level are dumped into a local file.
That is unless Django’s DEBUG setting is set to True, when messages are also broadcast through stdout.
01. Download the module
pip install latimes-qiklog
02. If you want to integrate with Django, add the following variable to settings.py
LOG_DIRECTORY = './whatever/logs/'
01. Fire it up
>> from qiklog import QikLog
>> logger = QikLog('latimes.whatever')
02. Make it sing
>> logger.log.warn('WARN')
>> logger.log.info('INFO')
>> logger.log.debug('DEBUG')
03. Watch the logs pour in
#If Django's DEBUG is True
$ tail -f ./whatever/logs/latimes.whatever
#If Django's DEBUG is False, or you've passed force_debug_mode=False into QikLog, it'll fly through stdout.
This code is under the MIT license. Do with it what you will.