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Logistic Regression Analytics

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The Logistic Regression analytics consists of LogisticRegressionTrainer and LogisticRegressionClassifier plugins. The plugins train a classification model based upon a particular label and features of a record, and then uses the trained model to classify the records.

Getting Started


CDAP version 3.5.x or higher.

Building Plugins

You get started with Run transform plugin by building directly from the latest source code::

git clone cd logistic-regression-analytics mvn clean package

After the build completes, you will have a JAR for each plugin under each <plugin-name>/target/ directory.

Deploying Plugins

You can deploy a plugin using the CDAP CLI::

load artifact <target/plugin-jar> config-file <resources/plugin-config>

load artifact target/logistic-regression-analytics-plugin-.jar
config-file target/logistic-regression-analytics-plugin-.json

You can build without running tests: mvn clean install -DskipTests


  • UI doesn't support schema's with hyphens (-), so the plugin currently transforms all the schemas with - into underscores (_). This change will be reverted after this is fixed:

Mailing Lists

CDAP User Group and Development Discussions:

The cdap-user mailing list is primarily for users using the product to develop applications or building plugins for appplications. You can expect questions from users, release announcements, and any other discussions that we think will be helpful to the users.

IRC Channel

CDAP IRC Channel: #cdap on

License and Trademarks

Copyright © 2015-2016 Cask Data, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Cask is a trademark of Cask Data, Inc. All rights reserved.

Apache, Apache HBase, and HBase are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. Used with permission. No endorsement by The Apache Software Foundation is implied by the use of these marks.

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