This repository was created to collect free v2ray configs from related Telegram channels. Only the last 5 configurations from each channel are collected.
The robot collects and stores the configs hourly in the bulk folder. Next, speed tests are taken and inactive configs are deleted. Finally, the final list is organized by protocol into subfolders. The top 200 configs are also saved in this file in different formats.
Configuration | Normal | Base64 Encoded | Meta/Clash | SING-BOX |
200 Speed Tested Configs (Mix-no vless) | Normal | Base64 Encoded | Clash YAML | JSON |
To use the configurations:
Choose a compatible client for your device and OS like ShadowsocksX-NG, Shadowsocks-Android, Clash etc.
Copy the desired subscription link from the table above and add it to your client.
Connect to the imported servers in your client.
You can now start browsing securely and privately.
The workflow fetches external Shadowsocks, VMESS, and Reality lists on their respective schedules. It processes and updates the different formats in this repository automatically.
The Singbox JSON links are generated by YEBEKHE convertor.
Please use responsibly and abide by local laws. The repository owner is not responsible for any misuse.
Feel free to reach out if you face any problems or have questions!