resumecard is a theme built on top of bootstrap and other freely available libraries. Its aimed to provide a fully furnished Jekyll theme for personal resume.
You can see the live demo of resumecard
This is the web page on desktop browser.
- Fork this repository
- Clone it:
git clone
- Run the jekyll server:
jekyll serve
You should have a server up and running locally at http://localhost:4000.
- Responsive Jekyll theme
- Easy integration with Google Analytics
- _config.yml
If you're using it on GitHub Pages with a custom domain name,
you'll want to change it to be the domain you're going to use.
All that should be in here is a domain name on the first line and nothing else (like:
). - avatar.JPG This is a smaller version of my gravatar for use as the icon in your browser's address bar. You should change it to whatever you'd like.
Open sourced under the MIT license.