A fork of django-geoposition.
A model field that can hold a geoposition (latitude/longitude), and corresponding admin/form widget.
Please use from version 0.3.4. Previous versions had several unsolved issues by their original maintainers. django-geoposition requires Django 1.8 or greater.
Use your favorite Python packaging tool to install
from PyPI, e.g.:pip install django-geoposition-2
setting:INSTALLED_APPS = ( # … "geoposition", )
If you want to use Google Maps, set your Google API key in your settings file:
API keys may be obtained here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key
If you want to use OpenStreetMap, activate Leaflet backend in your settings file:
As Leaflet is provider agnostic, you could use any other map provider from the following list: http://leaflet-extras.github.io/leaflet-providers/preview
comes with a model field that makes it pretty
easy to add a geoposition field to one of your models. To make use of
In your
:from django.db import models from geoposition.fields import GeopositionField class PointOfInterest(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) position = GeopositionField()
This enables the following simple API:
>>> from geoposition import Geoposition >>> from myapp.models import PointOfInterest >>> poi = PointOfInterest.objects.create(name='Foo', position=Geoposition(52.522906, 13.41156)) >>> poi.position Geoposition(52.522906,13.41156) >>> poi.position.latitude 52.522906 >>> poi.position.longitude 13.41156
If you use a GeopositionField
in the admin it will automatically
show a Google Maps widget with a marker at the currently stored
position. You can drag and drop the marker with the mouse and the
corresponding latitude and longitude fields will be updated
It looks like this:
Using the map widget on a regular form outside of the admin requires just a little more work. In your template make sure that
- jQuery is included
- the static files (JS, CSS) of the map widget are included (just use
{{ form.media }}
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8/jquery.min.js"></script> <form method="POST" action="">{% csrf_token %} {{ form.media }} {{ form.as_p }} </form>
You can customize the MapOptions and MarkerOptions used to initialize the
map and marker in JavaScript by defining GEOPOSITION_MAP_OPTIONS
in your settings.py
GEOPOSITION_MAP_OPTIONS = { 'minZoom': 3, 'maxZoom': 15, 'parentSelector': 'li.changeform-tabs-item', 'isDjangoAdmin': True } GEOPOSITION_MARKER_OPTIONS = { 'cursor': 'move' }
Please note that you cannot use a value like new google.maps.LatLng(52.5,13.4)
for a setting like center
or position
because that would end up as a
string in the JavaScript code and not be evaluated. Please use
Lat/Lng Object Literals for that purpose, e.g. {'lat': 52.5, 'lng': 13.4}
You can also customize the height of the displayed map widget by setting
to an integer value (default is 480).