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Lido events


Description: This application is a Go-based service designed with hexagonal architecture to manage and interact with Lido Operators. It includes the following features:

  • Subscribing to the Ethereum events based on the operator IDs loaded in the app
  • Scanning Ethereum events based on the operator IDs loaded in the app:
    • ExitRequested: event emitted by the CSFeeDistrbutor SC that indicates whenever a validator requires to exit the CSM pool.
    • DistributedLogUpdated: event emitted by the VEBO SC that indicates whenever a new log is distributed. This log contains the performance data of the validators as well as the treshold.
  • Executing validator exits in background when there is a exit request event requested for a validator of the operator ID loaded in the app
  • Fetching and parsing IPFS log CIDs in background to get the validator performance data
  • Sending notifications to user (e.g., via Telegram)
  • Exposing an API to update configurations and retrieve validator performance data


Hexagonal Architecture: The app follows hexagonal architecture principles, decoupling core business logic from external dependencies, enhancing modularity and maintainability. This design enables easy replacement or modification of adapters (e.g., Ethereum clients, IPFS, notification systems).


  • Event Subscriptions: The app subscribes to a list of Ethereum events.
  • Event Scanning: It regularly scans specific Ethereum events.
  • Validator Exits: Allows for executing validator exits.
  • IPFS Data Parsing: Fetches and parses IPFS log CIDs.
  • Notifications: Sends notifications (e.g., via Telegram).
  • API Endpoints:
    • Exit requests:
      • GET /api/v0/event_indexer/exit_requests
        • query params:
          • operatorId: Operator ID to get exit requests.
    • Operator ID (/): Allows for updating the Lido operator ID.
      • POST api/v0/events_indexer/operatorId: Updates the operator ID.
        • query params:
          • operatorId: Operator ID to update.
      • DELETE api/v0/events_indexer/operatorId: Deletes the operator ID.
        • query params:
          • operatorId: Operator ID to delete.
    • Telegram: Configures Telegram for notifications:
      • POST /api/v0/events_indexer/telegramConfig: Configures Telegram.
        • body (JSON):
          • chatId: Telegram chat ID.
          • token: Telegram bot token.
      • GET /api/v0/events_indexer/telegramConfig: Retrieves Telegram configuration.
    • Validator Performance: Retrieves validator performance data by operator ID.
      • GET /api/v0/event_indexer/operator_performance: Retrieves the operator performance.
        • query params:
          • operatorId: Operator ID to get performance data.
    • Node Operator events: Retrieves the events associated to a node operator.
      • GET /api/v0/event_indexer/address_events: Retrieves the eventes associated to an EA
        • query params:
          • address: Address to get events.
      • GET /api/v0/event_indexer/address_events: Retrieves the eventes associated to an EA
        • query params:
          • address: Address to get events.
      • GET /api/v0/events_indexer/withdrawals_submitted: Retrieves the withdrawals submitted by an operator
        • query params:
          • operatorId: Operator ID to get withdrawals submitted.
      • GET /api/v0/events_indexer/el_rewards_stealing_penalties_reported: Retrieves the rewards stealing penalties reported by Lido
      • GET /api/v0/events_indexer/pending_hashes: Retrieves the pending hashes for an operator
        • query params:
          • operatorId: Operator ID to get pending hashes.
  • Proxy API: a proxy API that redirect requests to the Lico API keys. Its main functionality is to avoid the cors issues when the Lido CSM UI tries to fetch the API.

Environment Variables

To configure the app, set the following environment variables:

Variable Description
NETWORK Ethereum network (e.g., mainnet, holesky). Default holesky
API_PORT Port on which the API will be exposed. Default 8080
PROXY_API_PORT Proxy port on which the Proxy API will be exposed. Default 8081
BEACONCHAIN_URL URL of the Ethereum beacon chain client. Default http://beacon-chain.,dncore.dappnode:3500
WS_URL URL of the Ethereum WebSocket client. Default ws://execution..dncore.dappnode:8546
RPC_URL URL of the Ethereum RPC client. Default http://execution..dncore.dappnode:8545
IPFS_URL URL of the IPFS gateway used to fetch logs. Default http://ipfs.dappnode:5001
LOG_LEVEL Logging level (e.g., DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR). Default INFO
CORS CORS origins domains allowed to fetch the api. Default to Lido CSM ui
BLOCK_CHUNK_SIZE Defines the block chunk size to scan long block ranges
BLOCK_SCANNER_MIN_DISTANCE Defines the minimum block distance required to trigger a scan. Used to avoid spamming nodes

Example .env file:

# .env


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd lido-events
  2. Set Up Environment Variables: Create a .env file or set environment variables directly.

  3. Install Dependencies:

    go mod tidy
  4. Build the Project:

    go build -o bin/lido-events ./cmd/main.go

Running the Application

  • Start the App:

    go run ./cmd/main.go
  • Docker Option:

    docker compose up


  • Project Structure:

    • /internal: Core business logic
      • /adapters: Interfaces with external dependencies
      • /application: Application services, ports, and domain models
      • /config: Configuration management
      • /logger: Logging setup
    • /cmd: Main application entry point
  • Adding New Features: Follow hexagonal architecture principles.

  • Logging: logging is always done in the service layer, not in the adapter layer.


  • Integration

    WS_URL="" go test -v -tags=integration ./...  
  • Integration with race conditions

    WS_URL="" go test --race -v -tags=integration ./...  
  • Unit

    go test -v  -tags=unit ./...