The easiest way to install the latest version from PyPI is by using pip:
pip install tweetple
- Users, Followers, Liking Users and Retweeted By Lookup
import tweetple
from tweetple import TweetPle
# Bearer token accesible via Twitter Developer Academic Research Track
# List of handle ids
ids = ['308131814']
# Retrieve users' information
TweetPle.TweepleStreamer(ids, bearer_token).user_lookup()
# Retrieve followers' information
TweetPle.TweepleStreamer(ids, bearer_token).followers_lookup()
# List of tweet ids
ids = ['308131814']
# Retrieve liking users
TweetPle.TweepleStreamer(ids, bearer_token).likes_lookup()
# Retrieve retweeting users
TweetPle.TweepleStreamer(ids, bearer_token).retweet_lookup()
- Retrieve Tweets
One can provide as input a list of:
Tweets' ids
Tweeples' handles
import tweetple
from tweetple import TweetPle
# bearer token accesible via Twitter Developer Academic Research Track
# list of tweets' ids
tweetl = ['1461090445702881281']
TweetPle.TweetStreamer(tweetl, bearer_token).main()
# list of tweeplers' handles
tweeplel = ['zorroyanez']
TweetPle.TweetStreamer(tweeplel, bearer_token).main()
# list of links potentially shared via twitter
linkl = ['']
TweetPle.TweetStreamer(linkl, bearer_token).main()