This repository contains the software implementing the testing functionality for the VMM3a ASIC, referred to as VTS (VMM Testing Software).
- Python >= 3.6
- A recent version of Qt 5 (preferably Qt 5.13)
- Boost >=1.60
- Qt can be obtained for free, using OpenSource privileges here
- See detailed instructions from VERSO
- See detailed instructions from VERSO
Follow these instructions:
git clone
Edit, specifically the lines with boostinclude
and boostlib
to point to your locations of boosts include/
and lib/
directories. Nothing else in needs to be changed.
Next, we compile the VTS source code:
cd vmm_testing_software/
cd vts/
mkdir build
cd build/
qmake ../
make 2>&1 |tee compile.log
If this compilation succeeds, a binary named vts_server
should be located in vmm_testing_software/vts/build/
Next, we obtain the python dependencies for running the user interface and top-level VTS interface, which is all written in python. The python implementation of Qt, PySide2 is used for this. We grab all of the dependencies by setting up a virtual environment.
$ cd vmm_testing_software/
$ cd vts/
$ python3 -m venv vtsenv
(vtsenv) $ source vtsenv/bin/activate
(vtsenv) $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
(vtsenv) $ deactivate
Once this succeeds you should be able to, for example, run the following command without fail, in a new shell:
$ cd vmm_testing_software/
$ cd vts/
$ source vtsenv/bin/activate
(vtsenv) $ python
(vtsenv) $ >>> from PySide2 import QtCore
(vtsenv) $ >>> [Ctrl]+d
(vtsenv) $ deactivate
If you have followed the last two steps, then all of the software required for VTS is installed successfully. Now we need to edit the configuration for VTS to be able to run.
- Edit vts/config/vts_default.json so that the paths up to the "vmm_testing_software/" are correct for your machine
That's it!
Each time you want to run VTS, you must return to the virtual environment:
$ cd vmm_testing_software/vts/
$ source vtsenv/bin/activate
(vtsenv) $ cd python/
(vtsenv) $ python --gui
At which point the VTS user interface will appear on your screen.
Once done with VTS, to exit the virtual environment simply do:
(vtsenv) $ deactivate