SpeedAisle is an application that allows you to create a shopping list, which is then categorised into the aisles where those products are found, to make your shopping experience as simple as possible!
npm install
>> create a .env file and copy DATABASE_URL from .env.example to it
createdb speedaisle (using psql)
npx prisma db push
To set up a test database, add TEST_DATABASE_URL to your .env file. Temporarily update prisma.schema
to find url = env("TEST_DATABASE_URL")
createdb speedaisle_test
npx prisma db push
Revert the changes made to the prisma.schema
- Node.js
- Express.js
- PostgreSQL / Prisma
- Handlebars
- Cypress
- Heroku
You can find the Trello board to follow along with the build, or log isses and ideas for this application, at this link here
- As a user, so I can create my shopping list, I would like to add an item to my shopping list
- As a user, so I can adjust my shopping list, I would like to delete an item from my shopping list
- As a user, so I can optimise my shopping trip, I would like to see my shopping list categorised into relevant groups
- As a user, so I can use the app, I would like to register an account/login to SpeedAisle using my Google Account
- As a user, so I can make my trip more efficient, I would like to save the order of aisles in my local store
- As a user, so I can optimise my shopping trip, I would like my shopping list to be arranged based on the aisles in my store
- As a user, so I can track what's already in my basket, I would like to tick item in the list
- As a user, so I can keep the system up to date, I would like to save my local store layout
- As a user, so I can get the best route for a new store, I would like my list to be ordered based on that new store
- As a user, so I can have the most efficient shopping experience, I would like to be told the best route through my local shop (using a Pathfinding algorithm)