Backup the configs of all your Tasmota devices
- fixup sorting/datatables
- fixed restores
- added wled backups
- fix zero size backup bug
- Add referer for tasmota new security feature
- fixed mqtt overscanning
- changed backup downloads to use device name, version, and date
- added alert if device isn't getting backed up visually
- fixed sorting on ip and version
- fix bug when doing mqtt scanning
- tasmota 9.0 status change
- recording mac addresses
- Add single devices
- Discover devices
- Backup single devices
- Backup all devices
- Remove devices
- Download individual backups
- No duplicates (based on IP, and MAC)
Backups of wled are done via downloading the cfg.json and presets.json and putting them in a zip file. the limited mqtt support in wled means there is no way to automatically scan, so only ip scanning is supported
Go into home assisant, then the supervisor Click on the Add-On Store paste in into the Add new repository via url box, and click add Scroll down near the bottom and locate TasmoBackup
More info at:
version: '2'
- '8259:80'
- ./data:/var/www/html/data
# MYSQL env's are not needed if you are using sqlite
# change below to mysql if you don't want to use sqlite
# you will need to have a mysql server (set above) with a blank database already created.
- DBTYPE=sqlite
# if using Mysql remove the data/ from the below line
# if using Sqlite the data/ is required!
- DBNAME=data/tasmobackup
container_name: TasmoBackup
image: 'danmed/tasmobackupv1'
docker run -d -p 8259:80 -v ./data:/var/www/html/data -e DBTYPE=sqlite -e DBNAME=data/tasmobackup --name TasmoBackup danmed/tasmobackupv1
Note : pay attention to the difference's between the sqlite and mysql database names.
docker run -d -p 8259:80 -v ./data:/var/www/html/data -e DBTYPE=mysql -e MYSQL_SERVER= -e MYSQL_USERNAME=root -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=password -e DBNAME=tasmobackup --name TasmoBackup danmed/tasmobackupv1
git clone
cd TasmoBackupV1
mkdir data
chown www-data data
cp data/
Edit data/ if you wish to change to using mysql database instead of sqlite. Make sure the data directory is owned by the user php runs as, or it will not be able to save your backups or create/update the sqlite file
Run the upgrade.php script to initialize your new database, or to upgrade your existing one when changing versions.
- backupall.php exists to do literally that.. Schedule this with your chosen means (nodered, curl, scheduled tasks etc)
- Handle device changes ip address
- Parse backup configs