This repository is a fork of Karl-Ludwig Besser's Metropolis-based beamer template. Unfortunately, the metropolis theme is no longer maintained and several issues emerged throughout the years (even to the extend that beamer itself had to implement several patches to stop the theme from breaking). The moloch theme, a fork of metropolis, aims to fix most of these problems, while also simplifying the code. As I hope that this theme be more robust and more frequently maintained, I transferred Karl's template to the moloch theme, trying to make as little changes as possible.
This repository provides a clean and simple template for presentations made with the LaTeX beamer package. The design is based on the moloch theme, a fork of the metropolis theme.
It is highlighted by many guides on good slide design that slides should contain no clutter and as few objects as possible. Jean-luc Doumont says the following about slide templates in his talk about Creating effective slides:
A template is a way to specify where the content should come and how the content should look once it comes there.
As long as you don't have content, there should be nothing.
Simply copy all of the files into a new folder or click on "Use this template" on GitHub.
The file presentation.tex
is the main file that needs to be compiled. It is
recommended to use lualatex
, if you want to use the Fira fonts. These were
the default in the metropolis theme, however, the moloch theme disabled these font
settings, to be independent of the compiler. This template replicates the metropolis
fonts as follows:
ItalicFont={Fira Sans Light Italic},
BoldFont={Fira Sans},
BoldItalicFont={Fira Sans Italic}
]{Fira Sans Light}
\setmonofont[BoldFont={Fira Mono Medium}]{Fira Mono}
Make sure that you have a LaTeX installation on your computer, which includes the moloch theme. It should be included in every popular LaTeX distribution like TeX live or MiKTeX.
If you want to use the Fira fonts, you need to install them on your machine first.
The template allows an easy customization of the colors and styles according to
your needs.
In particular, you only need to edit the color definitions in the
There are four colors in this theme which you can adjust to your needs:
\definecolor{accent}{HTML}{7EBDC2} % accent color
\definecolor{bgcolor}{HTML}{FCFCFF} % background color
\definecolor{bgcolorAlt}{HTML}{ECF1FC} % alternative/second background color
\definecolor{fgcolor}{HTML}{222244} % foreground/text color
: Accent color that is used for the progress bar and \alert{text}
: Main background color that is used as the background color of the slides.
: Second/alternative background color that is used as the background color of
the slide titles and as the background color for boxes.
: Foreground color that is used as the text color.
If you want to show the logo of your institution/university on the title page,
you simple need to adjust the \titlegraphic
command like
where logo.png
refers to the image file of the logo.
The following image shows the provided example slides with an example color scheme.