Find my contributions mostly in gitlab
- 📫 How to reach me [email protected]
- 📫 How to reach me [email protected]
This app is a calendar of events, developed using React, Redux, Redux-Thunks, Bootstrap, Jest, react-testing-library.
This app is used to store notes and images, is developed using with React, using desing pattern Redux, Thunks, Forms, Google SingIn, FireBase, FireStore, Material UI, Jest and react-testing-library.
This project is created to implement advanced path management techniques such as Lazy Load on each Component and Lazy Load per module, and component design patterns in react such as compound compon…
This App is a wordle, with responsive design, developed using React, Redux, Typescript, TailwindCss, Vite, Vitest, react-testing-library,
This app is made to give information about travel plans. The design is designed for mobile, however it is responsive.