Python Project (Started on 16.09)
project-pie is the repository created by Daniel Lambert for the Delivery Hero Tech Academy.
This repository will be constiantly changed over the course of the next 6 months, with the purpose of building an application with the Python syntax & language.
Wish me luck!
Stage one
- Created a repository with GIT and Github so we can host our project files somewhere.
- Added a file & .gitignore
Stage two
Created some HTML files as well as CSS, then built a front end that would be the basis of where our project will be uploaded to.
Created a Github page so we have a live site that we can visit at any time and share with others
Stage three
Development setup
- Created a virtual environment for our project using python3
To create the virtual environment
python3 -m venv myenv
This creates environment called myenvsource myenv/bin/activate
This activates the environment The environment must be activated each time when working in the command line- Enter the .gitignore file and add /myenv/ as this environment should not be commit and just incase it is it will now be ignored by GIT
Stage four
Warehouse ordering programme
- Create a script that will guide a user through ordering an item from a list of warehouse stock data
- Programme runs on the command line interface
- Files can be found in the folder CLI warehouse
Stage five coming soon