Basic tools for build web applications on top of rack
!!!sh $ gem install ruil
This library helps you to buil web applications on top of rack.
!!!ruby class MyController include Ruil::Controller resource 'GET', '/foo/:bar' do |request| ok :text, 'hello ' + request[:path_info_params][:bar] end end
!!!ruby class MyController include Ruil::Controller resource 'GET', '/foo/:bar' do |request| ok :text, 'hello ' + request[:path_info_params][:bar] end end Ruil::Authorizer << '/foo/:bar', lambda { |r| not r.session[:user].nil? }
First download the code from the repository:
!!!sh $ git clone git://
This project uses jeweler to build the gem, so you can use this commands:
!!!sh $ rake build # to build the gem $ rake install # to build and install the gem in one step
Also, if you want test the gem you can use the spec task:
!!!sh $ rake spec
This project uses rcov so you can check the coverage opening the HTML file in the coverage directory after running the spec.
- Author
- License
This software is provided “as is” and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.