Explore 3D meshes in your terminal! If you want to know more take a look at this blog post.
$ cargo run --release -- --help
$ cargo run --release -- data/teapot.stl
$ cargo run --release -- data/teapot.stl --wireframe --non-interactive --rotation-x 0.8 --scale 40 --no-depth
$ cargo run --release -- data/demo.tmesh
has a custom DSL that can be used to draw 3D objects without going
through the process of building and exporting the mesh in a separate sofware. A
DSL is also useful because it plays well with version control. Here's an example
of what the DSL is currently capable of.
# define vertices
vertex v1 = 0 0 0
vertex v2 = 0.5 0.5 0.5
vertex v3 = -0.5 -0.5 -0.5
# draw lines
line v1 v2
# draw triangles
triangle v1 v2 v3
q: Quit s: Save current frame to file d: Toggle depth rendering w: Toggle rendering only wireframe x: Rotate on the X axis counterclockwise X: Rotate on the X axis clockwise y: Rotate on the Y axis counterclockwise Y: Rotate on the Y axis clockwise z: Rotate on the Z axis counterclockwise Z: Rotate on the Z axis clockwise