A framework to support migration of data from Fedora 3 to Fedora 4 repositories.
The main class (org.fcrepo.migration.Migrator) iterates over all of the fedora objects in a configured source (org.fcrepo.migration.ObjectSource) and handles them using the configured handler (org.fcrepo.migration.StreamingFedoraObjectHandler). The configuration is entirely contained within a Spring XML configuration file in src/main/resources/migration-bean.xml.
A basic migration scenario is implemented that may serve as a starting point for your own migration from Fedora 3.x to Fedora 4.x.
To run the migration scenario you have configured in the Spring XML configuration file:
# Additional Documentation
* [wiki](https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/FF/Fedora+3+to+4+Data+Migration)