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A plug to keep track of user navigation history using sessions. This can be useful for example to redirect the user back to the previous page, or to redirect after a login when the user tried to access a page without being authenticated.


Add :navigation_history to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:navigation_history, "~> 0.4"}


To keep track of the navigation, add the NavigationHistory.Tracker plug. For example, in a Phoenix application, your pipeline could become:

pipeline :browser do
  plug :accepts, ["html"]
  plug :fetch_session
  plug :fetch_flash
  plug :protect_from_forgery
  plug :put_secure_browser_headers
  plug NavigationHistory.Tracker

You can then retrieve the paths the user navigated to by using

NavigationHistory.last_path(conn) # will return the last navigated path or nil
NavigationHistory.last_path(conn, 1) # will return the second last navigated path
NavigationHistory.last_path(conn, default: "/") # will return the last path or "/"
NavigationHistory.last_paths(conn) # will return a list of the last navigated paths
NavigationHistory.last_path(session) # instead of passing a conn, can also pass a session

For example, to redirect the user to the last navigated path in Phoenix, you can use a helper like this

def redirect_back(conn, opts \\ []) do
  Phoenix.Controller.redirect(conn, to: NavigationHistory.last_path(conn, opts))

# you can then write
redirect_back(conn, default: "/")

Take a look at this conversation in Phoenix for more info about redirecting back.


There are a few options that can be used with the plug:

  • excluded_paths - The list of paths which should not be tracked. For example, /login or similar for a lot of apps. Defaults to []
  • included_paths - Limits list the paths to be tracked when set. excluded_paths is ignored if set.
  • methods - The list methods which should be tracked. Defaults to ["GET"]
  • history_size - The number of history entries to track in last_paths. Defaults to 10.
  • key - The key used to track the navigation. It can also be passed to last_path and last_paths to retrieve the paths for the relevant key. Defaults to "default".
  • accept_duplicates - By default, if the same URL is repeated, it is ignored, unless this option is set to true. Defaults to false.


plug NavigationHistory.Tracker, excluded_paths: ["/login", ~r(/admin.*)]
plug NavigationHistory.Tracker, included_paths: [~r(/admin.*)], key: "admin", history_size: 5

# which an be used
NavigationHistory.last_path(conn) # from default history
NavigationHistory.last_path(conn, key: "admin") # from admin history

Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2016 Daniel Perez

Released under the MIT License, which can be found in the repository in LICENSE.


Elixir plug to keep navigation history







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