Opposable is a thumbnail builder
that allows content creators
to quickly generate thumbnail images
for their content.
You can create templates using React components and then customize them in the visual editor.
This project was bootstrapped using Electron Quick Start TypeScript.
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- You have installed the latest version of
To install, follow these steps:
npm install
To use, follow these steps:
npm start
To contribute, follow these steps:
- Fork this repository.
- Create a branch:
git checkout -b <branch_name>
. - Make your changes and commit them:
git commit -m '<commit_message>'
- Push to the original branch:
git push origin <project_name>/<location>
- Create the pull request.
Alternatively see the GitHub documentation on creating a pull request.
If you want to contact me you can reach me at [email protected].
Opposable is open source software licensed as MIT.