version number: 0.1.3
author: Dan Elias
This library provides tools to make Python code shorter, less repetitive and more readable.
- function annotations to coerce and/or validate parameters, and
- decorators and mixins to add groups of Python standard methods to classes
This example provides implementation with and without drytools for a class representing a person's name and age. The required behaviour is:
- The constructor should accept a name and an age
- age should be coerced to an integer
- if name is not of type str, raise a TypeError
- if age is negative or exceeds 200, raise a ValueError
- The full set of comparison methods (ie: __lt__, __eq__ etc) should be implemented reflecting an ordering by age (with alphabetical ordering by name for people with the same age)
from functools import total_ordering
class person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise TypeError(name)
age = int(age)
if (age < 0) or (age > 200):
raise ValueError(age) = name
self.age = age
def _comp(self):
return (self.age,
def __eq__(self, other):
return self._comp() == other._comp()
def __gt__(self, other):
return self._comp() > other._comp()
from operator import ge, le
from drytools import args2attrs, check, compose_annotations, ordered_by
@ordered_by('age', 'name')
class person:
def __init__(self, name: check(isinstance, str, raises=TypeError),
age:(int, check(ge, 0), check(le, 200))):
$ pip install drytools
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The project is licensed under the GPL-3 license.