CFML client library for ArangoDB.
- Railo 4.1+, or Adobe ColdFusion 10+
- ArangoDB 1.4+, 2.0+
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Add mapping to the code (not necessary if project is cloned into your project/webserver root).
Use one of the following methods:
- Railo/ACF Application.cfc mapping:
this.mappings["/org"] = [/path/to/CFArango]/org
- Railo Component resource mapping:
- Navigate to the administrator page (server or web depending on how wide you desire access)
- Under Archives & Resources > Component, add a resouce:
- Name = cfarango
- Resource = /path/to/CFArango (NOTE: do not add the /org to the resource path!) r
- ACF custom tag path
- Add /path/to/CFArango to the custom tags path
- Can be set in the Administrator under Extensions > Custom Tag Paths
- Can be set in Application.cfc
- Add /path/to/CFArango to the custom tags path
// representative of the defaults
conn = new org.jdsnet.arangodb.Connection()
// representative of the defaults
var database = conn.getDatabase("_system");
var collection = database.createCollection("test");
var relation = database.createEdgeCollection("relation");
doc1 ={
"key" : "value" // use quotes around the key to preserve case
var doc2 = collection.newDocument({
"key" : "value"
// different ways to create relations
doc1.createEdge("relation").to(doc2).save(); // creates an "outbound" relation from doc1 to doc2
doc1.createEdge("relation").from(doc2).save(); // creates an "inbound" relation from doc2 to doc1
relation.newDocument().from(doc1).to(doc2).save(); // same as first example of creating an edge.
// delete a document - note, any edges referencing this document are orphaned currently
// queries
// AQL
var stmt = database.prepareStatement("for document filter key == @key in collection return document")
var cursor = stmt.execute({"key" : "value"});
// reading the result set
// option 1
var result = cursor.toArray();
// option 2
var result = cursor.toQuery();
// option 3
while (cursor.hasNext()) { // or hasNextBatch
writedump(; // or nextBatch
// option 4
cursor.each(function(doc) { // or eachBatch
writedump(doc); // or batch
// Read By Example
var cursor = collection.queryByExample({"key":"value"});
var cursor = collection.fullTextSearch("");
// Update By Example
var result = collection.updateByExample(example={}, update={});
// Replace By Example
var result = collection.replaceByExample(example={}, update={});
// Delete By Example
var result = collection.deleteByExample(example={});