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Oniguruma Node module Build Status

Native Node bindings to the Oniguruma regular expressions library.

Read all about Oniguruma regular expressions here.


npm install oniguruma


  • Clone the repository
  • Run npm install
  • Run grunt to compile the CoffeeScript and native code
  • Run npm test to run the specs


{OnigRegExp, OnigScanner} = require 'oniguruma'


Create a new scanner with the given patterns.

patterns - An array of string patterns.

OnigScanner.findNextMatch(string, startPosition)

Find the next match from a given position.

string - The string to search.

startPosition - The position to start at, defaults to 0.

Returns an object containing details about the match or null if no match.


scanner = new OnigScanner(['c', 'a(b)?'])
match = scanner.findNextMatch('abc')
console.log match
  index: 1,  # Index of the best pattern match
  captureIndices: [
    {index: 0, start: 0, end: 2, length: 2},  # Entire match
    {index: 1, start: 1, end: 2, length: 1}   # Match of first capture group


Create a new regex with the given pattern.

pattern - A string pattern., startPosition)

Search the string for a match starting at the given position.

string - The string to search.

startPosition - The position to start the search at, defaults to 0.

Returns an array of objects for each matched group or null if no match was found.


regex = new OnigRegExp('a([b-d])c')
match ='!abcdef')
console.log match
  {index: 0, start: 1, end: 4, match: 'abc', length: 3}, # Entire match
  {index: 1, start: 2, end: 3, match: 'b', length: 1}    # Match of first capture group


Test if this regular expression matches the given string.

string - The string to test against.

Returns true if at least one match, false otherwise.


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