A simple Golang skeleton project, for Web applications and Microservices (over TCP/IP), using:
- Gin Gonic Framework
- MVC Archteture.
- Cache (Redis).
- JWT (Service and Middleware)
- ORM (Gorm)
- Logger
- Shell Script handler
- Config (Global configurations variables, can be use a default value or set in flag when run the app )
- Controllers (controllers to request handle )
- Lib (Libraries to use over the project, like constants, logger and other utils functions )
- Middleware
- Models (Gorm Models)
- Public (Template, CSS, JS , HTML and others assets files)
- Repository (Database and Cache connections)
- Routes
- Services (To handle the bussiness logic)
Run main.go file with flags parameters, example:
bash go run main.go --gin-mode=dev
The repository have a demonstration app, can be start with command:
bash go run main.go
- Dockerfile
- Tests