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Creating implants

andrei edited this page Jul 18, 2022 · 4 revisions

Implant creation is done via the generateimplant (aliased gi) command. And it takes a few flags:

  • --listener/-l: the name of the listener to connect to, this will auto fill the --ip and --port parameters OR --type/-t the listener type (for example tcp), use this if you want to supply custom IP and PORT params
  • --port/-p: the port to connect to
  • --ip/-i: the IP to connect to
  • --platform/-P (default: windows): the platform to compile on, this can be windows or linux
  • --showwindow/-s (default: no): if the cmd.exe window of the implant should be hidden or not. This will basically set the app type to GUI
  • --autoconnect/-t (default: 5000): time to wait before connecting back to the server after disconnecting


  • generateimplant -l:tcp_main -P:windows: generate an implant for windows, connecting to tcp_main
  • generateimplant -l:tcp_main -P:linux: generate an implant for linux, connecting to tcp_main
  • generateimplant -t:tcp -i: -p:1337 -P:linux: generate an implant for linux, connecting to via tcp
  • generateimplant -t:tcp -i: -p:1337 -P:windows: generate an implant for windows, connecting to via tcp


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