This is a family of amalgamated products from SACK.
Tried to host this as a gist; but that didn't work out so well.
Other Amalgamations
This includes all of sack_ucb_filelib plus networking, plus SQL, plus interface and virtual file system support. Includes everything except the image/render libaries and PSI GUI Subsystem.
But those additional peices may be candidates for additional modular builds... The problem with that is the inclusion of freetype (does NOT amalgamate), PNG (does not amalgamate), JPEG, zlib, expat, genx.
Event based networking abstraction. Events come in asynchrounsly with the main thread.
This is a C file, but if the .h is included as C++ then namespaces will be used, and the .c file should be renamed as .cc/.cpp/... or compiler option otherwise forced to C++.
on Windows
- winmm - for timeGetTime() (millisecond accurate clock)
- psapi - system process info
- ntdll - system dll info
- odbc32 - Open Data base Connectivity standard DB Interface (SQLite Interface; requires sqlite amalgam)
- ole32 - file system utility initialization (CoInitialize)
- ws2_32 - systemlog UDP logging to a syslog receiver uses sockets.
- iphlpapi - get mac address
- crypt32 - used if openssl is available, and HAVE_SSL is defined.
- rpcrt4 - uuidgen (this is probably a SQL thing)
on Linux
- m
- dl
- pthread
- unixodbc
- ext2utils (uuid)
- (openssl/libressl)
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/typelib/typecode.c
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/typelib/text.c
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/typelib/input.c
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/typelib/sets.c
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/typelib/binarylist.c
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/typelib/url.c
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/fractionlib/fractions.c
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/memlib/sharemem.c
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/memlib/memory_operations.c
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/deadstart/deadstart_core.c
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/vectlib/vectlib.c
: Timers and threads (and idle callback registration)
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/timerlib/timers.c
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/idlelib/idle.c
: File system unifications
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/filesyslib/pathops.c
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/filesyslib/winfiles.c
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/filesyslib/filescan.c
: debug logging
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/sysloglib/syslog.c
: plain text configuration reader.
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/configlib/configscript.c
: system abstraction (launch process, parse arguments, build arguments)
: Also includes environment utilities, and system file paths
: (paths: CWD, dir of program, dir of this library)
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/systemlib/args.c
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/systemlib/system.c
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/systemlib/spawntask.c
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/systemlib/args.c
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/systemlib/oswin.c
: Process extension; dynamic procedure registration.
: Reading the system configuration brings module support
: which requires this.
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/procreglib/names.c
: common networking
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/netlib/network.c
: TCP client/server
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/netlib/tcpnetwork.c
: UDP socket read/write/open
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/netlib/udpnetwork.c
: ICMP utility (requires root on Linux for SOCK_RAW)
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/netlib/ping.c
: Whois lookup (defunct; bad root registry)
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/netlib/whois.c
: SSL Addtions; intercepts read events and redirects writes if enabled
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/netlib/ssl_layer.c
: Win32 Socket creation; fixes finding TCP/UDP if something like napster is installed and uninstalled
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/netlib/net_winsock2.c
: Common websocket routines
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/netlib/html5.websocket/html5.websocket.common.c
: websocket server; dispatches events for received HTTP/HTTPS requests that are not upgrade connections
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/netlib/html5.websocket/server/html5.websocket.c
: websocket cilent
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/netlib/html5.websocket/client/html5.websocket.client.c
: JSON parser
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/netlib/html5.websocket/json/json_parser.c
: JSON6 Parser - JSON parser plus extensions
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/netlib/html5.websocket/json/json6_parser.c
: JSOX Parser - JSON6 Parser plus extensions
@set SRCS= %SRCS% ../../src/netlib/html5.websocket/json/jsox_parser.c
An old build of the documentation (there haven't been a LOT of updates)
- Websockets need documentation Example Server Example Client.
- Sample Code
- json_ and json6_ libraries work similarly to jsox_, only the prefixes are changed; and the enum used for the value_container type.
containers - threadsafe
- list - items tracked by dynamic sized array of pointers to userdata
- data list - Items are tracked by a dynamic sized array of structs
- Queue - tracks a queue of pointers to userdata.
- Data QUeue - Tracks a queue with a dynamic array of structures.
- Link Stack - stack using a dynamic array of pointers to userdata
- Data Stack - Stack using dynamic array of structs.
- sets - A fixed length slab of data structure which are tracked by a bit field of allocated/free members in the set.
- Binary tree - binary tree using 'set's of nodes that contain pointers to userdata and userkey information.
- Text - a type abstraction for tracking strings as linked list of segments... include language text parser for getting phrases and words from other text.
- Url parsing and building (something like
Some platforms/permutations need flags defined to compile 'correctly'. The CMake build system for SACK takes care of these typically...
Flag | Usage |
__LINUX__ | compile for posix type system. This should be defaulted if not _WIN32 |
_WIN32 | compile for windows platform |
__ARM__ | compile targeting arm (some assembly otherwise available is replaced |
__MAC__ | comppile targeting Mac; minor differences in SockAddr structure |
__NO_LOGGING__ | Disable any internal logging; compiles to (0); |
__64__ | This should have a good default set; but this sets 64 bit platform target |
__ANDROID__ | certain changes for android system |
The default allocator is malloc/free. There is, additionally, an option added to disable mmap. There is a custom allocator which offers additonal protection on blocks, including scanning all blocks for over/underflow. A list of all blocks may be dumped (see memory document above), options can be enabled either way to allow memory allocation logging. This tracks back to the original sources' (if _DEBUG or _DEBUG_INFO are defined) file and line number.
This uses a single locking primitive that's a lock: xchg
; if compiled with GCC prefers the comipler intrinsics for these
operations. Uses windows InterlockedExchanged()
PLIST, PLINKQUEUE are strongly threadsafe by default. All other containers are also thread safe, but are not worthy of comment. The actual point is that PLIST and PLINKQUEUE types are optimally thread safe even when interacting on the same list or queue.
To Be Documented.
The default options for the above are conservative, but there may be more suitable options available at the low levels.