released this
15 Dec 13:15
FLOSS, Free/Libre and Open Source Software
openGL 4.1, glsl shading languages from 150 to 410
plugin injection capable, see Mosaic Plugin
ImGui based docking GUI interface
non-blocking system dialogs
lua/glsl/bash live-coding
pure data live-patching
good selection of audio synthesis modules
non-linear interactive graphical timeline
warping integrated on output window object
mapmap style projection mapping module
tracy profiler for solid debug and profiling
internal dht distributed chatroom, based on libdht
gui : Drag and drop objects to subpatch on subpatches list to move them
gui : Save canvas displacement position in patch, to always restore last view
gui : Modified actual logger for passing commands, add selectable text and copy/paste
addition : Added multi-slider object with variable number of sliders and multi toggle object with variable number of toggles
update : Modified number object, include internal trigger to on/off data flow ( from internal menu )
update : Modified number and slider object, to set and save variable name, for usability
examples : Added some new visual programming patches examples
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