Coracle is a lightweight Clojure application for storing Activity Stream 2.0 activities into mongo, and subsequently retrieving them.
The latest Coracle image can be retrieved with:
docker pull dcent/coracle
A container can be started like this:
docker run -d --name coracle --env-file=<path to env file>/coracle.env --link coracle-mongo:mongo -p 7000:7000 dcent/coracle
Note this assumes that you have a mongo container running with the name 'coracle-mongo'.
- Create a heroku account
- Create new heroku app
- Install heroku tool-belt
- Create mLab account
- Create database
- Get MongoDB host, port and DB from the URI:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Log in to your Heroku account:
heroku login
Add heroku remote:
heroku git:remote -a [APP_NAME]
Set buildpack:
heroku buildpacks:add heroku/clojure
Set Config Vars on Heroku
- SECURE = true
- BEARER_TOKEN = [anything]
- MONGODB_HOST = [MongoDB host from mLab]
- MONGODB_PORT = [MongoDB port from mLab]
- MONGODB_DB = [MongoDB DB from mLab]
Push to Heroku
The following environment variables can be passed into the docker container to configure the application.
- BEARER_TOKEN - The app will not start without it. Only POST requests that have a matching token in the HTTP header (e.g. "bearer-token" "123") are permitted.
- EXTERNAL_JWK_SET_URL - The app will not start without it. the location of the endpoint in the app to get the keyset. Will be the address of the coracle instance with /jwk-set
- HOST - defaults to
- PORT - defaults to 7000
- MONGODB_PORT - defaults to 27017
- MONGODB_DB - defaults to coracle
- SECURE - defaults to false - When set to true this will wrap the app with middleware that enforces https-only connections.