For Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S stow
For MacOS (using brew):
brew install stow
Make sure you using zsh (if you using bash):
echo $SHELL
Change if you need to (probably need a reboot after this):
sudo chsh -s $(which zsh) $USER
Install ohmyposh (Linux):
cd ~ && mkdir .ohmyposh && curl -s | bash -s -- -d ~/.ohmyposh
MacOS (ohmyposh using brew):
brew install jandedobbeleer/oh-my-posh/oh-my-posh
cd ~ && cd .cdotfiles/homebrew/.config/brew/
Usefull commands (example for my_brew.txt file name):
# save all your currently used programs:
brew leaves > my_brew.txt
# Install for a new machine:
xargs brew install < my_brew.txt
(by SSH)
cd ~ && mkdir .cdotfiles && cd ~/.cdotfiles && git clone [email protected]:cywil5115/cdotfiles.git && mv -v ~/.cdotfiles/cdotfiles/* ~/.cdotfiles && cp -r ~/.cdotfiles/cdotfiles/.git ~/.cdotfiles && rm -rf ~/.cdotfiles/cdotfiles && stow */
(by https)
cd ~ && mkdir .cdotfiles && cd ~/.cdotfiles && git clone && mv -v ~/.cdotfiles/cdotfiles/* ~/.cdotfiles && cp -r ~/.cdotfiles/cdotfiles/.git ~/.cdotfiles && rm -rf ~/.cdotfiles/cdotfiles && stow */
Create folder in home dir:
mkdir ~/.cdotfiles
Go to your new dir:
cd ~/.cdotfiles
Clone repo to that folder
(by SSH)
git clone [email protected]:cywil5115/cdotfiles.git
(by HTTPS)
git clone
Move files one dir higher:
mv -v ~/.cdotfiles/cdotfiles/* ~/.cdotfiles && cd .cdotfiles && cp -r ~/.cdotfiles/cdotfiles/.git ~/.cdotfiles && rm -rf ~/.cdotfiles/cdotfiles
Useful command to add all:
stow */
or pick one by using:
stow <package_name>