Generate PDF files [1] based on Apache FOP.
Install pypfop:
pip install pypfop
Install Apache FOP:
Create a file named
<%inherit file="" />
<block>Hello ${name}!</block>
And then in you python code:
import pypfop
pdf_path = pypfop.generate_document("", {"name": "Foo"})
print("The document has been generated at {}".format(pdf_path))
Alternatively there is decorator based syntax:
import pypfop
document = pypfop.make_document_decorator()
def hello_world():
return {"name": "Foo"}
pdf_path = hello_world()
print("The document has been generated at {}".format(pdf_path))
It does what the huge title is implying, preprocess a higher level template
to generate dynamically an specific XSL-FO document, which then gets
fed to Apache FOP and generate the expected output. So that means that
this packages requires Java >_<'
, but fear not! It is almost transparent
to the python application.
In general the internal workflow is:
template -> mako -> apply css -> xsl-fo -> fop -> *Document*
The markup used to generate the documents is almost the same as the xsl-fo, the only difference is that is not necessary to set the xml namespace to all the elements, for example:
can be written like this:
Currently the only supported template language is mako. If for some reason you don't like that templating language, it shouldn't be hard to extend to your favorite template language based in the implementation of mako (which is pretty straight forward) and hopefully contribute back to the project :).
For example, the previous table can be generated with this mako template assuming the header and rows variables are passed as parameters:
% for name in header:
% endfor
% for row in rows:
% for cell in row:
% endfor
% endfor
The previous examples are just fragments of a document. To be able to fully generate a document with metadata, paper size, margins, etc and to avoid the repetitive work to write this kind of base document pypfop have the notion of skeleton documents, the purpose if this documents are to be inherited at each template, at the time the implemented skeleton are:
Those include place-holders for:
- title
- author
- subject
- GENERATOR (by default "PyPFOP")
There is also a mako block called rfooter
and the body of your template will
be the body of the document.
You don't have to define anything else than the body of your own document but you still have the option to override any of the metadata and your own footer region.
To be a fully functional template for pypfop the previous table need to be like this.
<%inherit file="" />
<table id="main-table">
% for name in header:
% endfor
% for row in rows:
% for cell in row:
% endfor
% endfor
The skeletons directory is set in the template directory path by default.
Beside the higher level language that define the content and layout of
the document, the style and formatting uses CSS, to be more specific it
can parse the rules that cssutils support, which are a very good subset
of CSS2 and CSS3, for example it support things like :nth-child(X)
and @import url(XX)
The properties that can be set are the same as in the specification of xsl-fo,
check out the section of About XSL-FO syntax, with the only exception
that you can use classes as selectors, xsl-fo does not support the
attribute, the pypfop parser is going to look for the
attribute then substitute with the specific style and then remove
the class
For example I could define the style for the previous table in three files.
@import url("general.css");
@import url("colors.css");
#main-table > table-header > table-row{
text-align: center;
font-weight: bold;
#main-table > table-header table-cell{
padding: 2mm 0 0mm;
flow[flow-name="xsl-region-body"] {
font-size: 10pt;
font-family: Helvetica;
#main-table> table-body > table-row > table-cell:first-child{
color: red;
#main-table> table-body > table-row > table-cell:nth-child(2){
color: blue;
#main-table> table-body > table-row > table-cell:nth-child(3){
color: cyan;
#main-table> table-body > table-row > table-cell:last-child{
color: green;
There are a few different ways to generate a document.
import pypfop
params = {
'header': ['Project', 'Website', 'Language', 'Notes'],
'rows': [
('pypfop', '',
'Python', 'Abstraction on top of Apache FOP'),
('Apache FOP', '',
'Java', '')
doc_path = pypfop.generate_document(
) # returns the path of the generated file.
import pypfop
document = pypfop.make_document_decorator()
@document("", "simple_table.css")
def simple_table():
return {
'header': ['Project', 'Website', 'Language', 'Notes'],
'rows': [
('pypfop', '',
'Python', 'Abstraction on top of Apache FOP'),
('Apache FOP', '',
'Java', '')
doc_path = simple_table() # returns the path of the generated file.
import pypfop
import pypfop.templates.mako
tfactory = pypfop.templates.mako.Factory()
params = {
'header': ['Project', 'Website', 'Language', 'Notes'],
'rows': [
('pypfop', '',
'Python', 'Abstraction on top of Apache FOP'),
('Apache FOP', '', 'Java', '')
doc_gen = pypfop.DocumentGenerator(tfactory(''), 'simple_table.css')
doc_path = doc_gen.generate(params) # returns the path of the generated file.
In the previous example we didn't define the output of the Document
that case the default output of pdf
is used, but the supported outputs
are the almost the same as in Apache FOP output formats.
- rtf
- tiff
- png
- pcl
- ps
- txt
The output format can be set in any of the supported methods:
# simple function call
"", "simple_table.css", out_format='rtf'
# decorator based
@document("", "simple_table.css", out_format='rtf')
def simple_table(): ...
# explicit method
doc_gen.generate(params, out_format='rtf')
As you may have already noticed, it is required to know how to format xsl-fo
documents which in most part are very similar to the HTML counterparts
(except that anything needs to be in block
tags), two of the best reference
that I could find online is in the XML Bible and the Data 2 Type tutorial.
I'm looking to add support for less or something similar and try to generalize the styling of fonts, colors, tables, etc. Very much in the bootstrap sense of the things. If you are interested in something similar we can join forces and build something nice.
The project used to be part of a larger project of one of my clients, on which I decide early on that I will only use python 3, terrible decision if you want to generate pdf files easily or at least at the time (2012 I believe?) when the Report Lab PDF Toolkit was not yet available for Python 3 and I was looking to have some kind of template to the very rigid format of the average invoice and billing order, so pypfop came to relieve that pain.
[1] | Actually... you can generate more than PDFs as you will discover if you continue reading. |
[2] | Actually... you can set the command at another level, check the pypfop.document_generator.DocumentGenerator class. |