create a processing element that is active only if consumers of results are subscribed to it
copyright 2014 Lutz Behnke [email protected]
active-filter provides an API for modules implementing filters. Theses are tasks that are actively processing their input only if there are subscribers to the the results. The filters do not need to maintain a seperate process by themselves. Similar to gen_fsm, this is handled by the active-filter application.
init(StartArgs::list()) -> ok | {error, Reason::term()} start a filter. If this callback does not return ok, the filter will be aborted.
new_subscriber(Pid::pid(), AppData::term()) -> ok. a new subscriber has registered for the filter. AppData is arbitrary data sent by the subscriber to the filter.
subscriber_left(Pid::pid()) -> ok. a process has removed its subscription to this filter. There is no need for the filter to keep track of the subscribers. This is only an informational call.
handle_message(Message :: term(), State :: term()) -> {ok, NewState :: term} | {error, Reason :: term()}. handle an incoming message. It is assumed that the filter is used inside a pub/sub infrastructure that will send messages to processes that have subscribed to them.
prep_hibernation() -> ok. There are no subscribers left and the filter will be placed into a sleep state.
terminate() -> ok. prepare termination and removal of the filter.
send_message(Message::term()) -> ok | {error, not_active} | {error, not_known}. will send a message from the filter to all its subscribers.