This repository contains custom actions to help creating builds of Cygwin packages using cygport.
For all these actions, set them up as individual steps within your GitHub Actions jobs.
This action extracts variables from the Cygport file using cygport <file> vars
and makes them available as outputs.
uses: cygporter/actions/vars@main
# Required: Path to the cygport file that you're using.
cygport_file: <path>
# Required: String with a single variable to extract, or a list of variables.
vars: <variable> [<variable> ...]
# Optional: Path to Cygwin's binaries. This must be present if the Cygwin
# binaries are not in the default for the cygwin/cygwin-install-action
# install location of C:\cygwin\bin\. Due to limitations of the GitHub
# workflows, this path cannot contain spaces.
cygwin_bin_path: <path>