Releases: cyface-de/ios-backend
Releases · cyface-de/ios-backend
What's Changed
- Fix/rfr 1036 map view crash by @muthenberg in #176
- fix/STAD-615_Serialization-Performance by @muthenberg in #178
Full Changelog: 12.0.1...12.0.2
What's Changed
- Add Competition for 2024 in RFR Project by @muthenberg in #173
- New RFR-App Release with increased version by @muthenberg in #174
- Add saving to database on each data storage iteration by @muthenberg in #175
Full Changelog: 12.0.0...12.0.1
Added ----- * Background Upload Process using iOS Background Mode with URLSession * Apple *Combine* based communication of data capturing events * OAuth Authentication * Swift Package Manager based build process * Background Upload Session capable of continuing uploads between application shutdowns. * New Upload Protocol and Data Format based on the Google Media Upload Protocol and Protobuf. This requires a recent Data Collector server understanding both: protocol and data format. Changed ------- * There now is one file per sub project * Text of README now represents the current state of the code Removed ------- * Project Specific Code Changes * For example TrackCleaner, DistanceCallulator or MovebisDataCapturingService have been moved out of this repository to the apps needing this functionality * Persistence Layer class. Loading data should be handled by an implementing application via a `DataStoreStack` * Dependency on Alamofire * DataCapturingEvent --> This should be achieved using Apple *Combine* Publisher and Subscriber now * Credentials based authentication. Please use OAuth instead or implement the `Authenticator` protocol with your own authentication process * CocoaPods --> Exchanged for Swift Package Manager
- Remove order check for geo locations in track
- Remove usage of managed objects outside of persistent container
- Enforce locations always having increasing timestamps
- Update CocoaPods Structure to incorporate Example App Unit Tests
- Make stop method not crash if background synchronization timer is not available
- Fail Authentication on StaticAuthenticator if JWT token is an empty String
- Add Version Script to Podspec
- Transform Fatal Errors to Exceptions
- Fix synchronization of multiple measurements
- Fix wrong timestamps on sensor data
- Clean up the login process in the Example App
- Fix crash in CoreDataStack setup
- Update Privacy Policy to 4.2.0, which Introduces a Pragraph on using
Sentry - Add description for Permissions and Correct Bundle
- Update App Privacy Policy to 4.2.0
- Fix Crash in CoreData Stack Setup
- Clean Up Login Process
- Fix wrong Timestamps on Sensor Data
- Fix crash of app on uploads of empty data packages
- Fix error during event capturing
- Separate commands in ServerConnection to see errors more clearly in the future
- Add Cyface White Label App as Example App
- For changes see
- For changes view the CHANGELOG