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Cyface Android Energy Settings library: Checks and informs the user when a setting might prevent background location tracking


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Cyface Android Energy Settings library

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This project contains the Cyface Android Energy Settings library which check and handle settings required for background location tracking.

Integration Guide

This library is published to the Github Package Registry.

To use it as a dependency in your app you need to:

  1. Make sure you are authenticated to the repository:

    • You need a Github account with read-access to this Github repository

    • Create a personal access token on Github with "read:packages" permissions

    • Copy to and adjust:

    • Add the custom repository to your build.gradle:

    repositories {
        // Other maven repositories, e.g.:
        // Repository for this library
        maven {
            url = uri("")
            credentials {
                username = project.findProperty("githubUser")
                password = project.findProperty("githubToken")
  2. Add this package as a Maven dependency to your app’s build.gradle:

    dependencies {
        implementation "de.cyface:android-energy-settings:$energySettingsVersion"
  3. Set the $energySettingsVersion gradle variable to the latest version.

API Usage Guide

Check Energy Settings

If you only want to ensure a specific setting is set, you can use the following APIs. For details about the specific settings, see the Show Dialogs section.

GNSS Enabled

To check if a GNSS service is enabled (e.g. GPS) use:

if (!isGnssEnabled(context)) {
    // Your logic

Energy Safer Active

if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P && isEnergySaferActive(context))
    // Your logic

Restricted Background Processing Enabled

if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P && isBackgroundProcessingRestricted(context)) {
    // Your logic

Problematic Manufacturer Identified

if (isProblematicManufacturer()) {
    // Your logic

Show Dialogs

The show dialog methods below automatically check the specific energy setting if possible and only show the dialog if the setting is not correct. You can check whether the dialog was shown from the returned boolean value.

Two implementation are available:

  1. DialogFragment implementation: Uses the Android FragmentDialog class.

  2. MaterialDialog implementation: Alternative when no SupportFragmentManger is available (

GNSS Disabled Warning

If your tracking requires GNSS (like GPS) location service you can use this dialog to check whether it’s enabled and warn the user with a dialog to enable this.

The specific settings page can be opened via a Settings button at the end of the dialog.

// or: Android FragmentDialog implementation
showGnssWarningDialog(context, fragment);

Energy Safer Warning

In energy safer mode the GPS location service is often disabled so your tracking does not receive new updates while the display is off or while the app is in background.

This allows you to check whether the energy safer mode is active at this moment. In this case a dialog is opened, informing the user to Stop the energy safer mode.

The specific settings page can be opened via a Settings button at the end of the dialog.

// or: Android FragmentDialog implementation
showEnergySaferWarningDialog(context, fragment)

Restricted Background Processing Warning

Newer Android Settings contain an option to disable background processing.

This allows you to check whether this option is enabled for your application. In this case a dialog is opened, informing the user to disable this setting.

The specific settings page can be opened via a Settings button at the end of the dialog.

// or: Android FragmentDialog implementation
showRestrictedBackgroundProcessingWarningDialog(context, fragment);

Problematic Manufacturer Warning

Some manufacturers, e.g. Huawei, Xiaomi and Samsung, implement individual energy settings which block your app from background processing or which disable the GPS location service.

This method checks whether such a manufacturer was identified.

It automatically searches for manufacturer specific setting pages on the phone. If such a page is found the user is shown a specific dialog which explains how to adjust those settings.

If the settings page is found automatically, it can be opened via a Settings button at the end of the dialog. If not, the user is shown a generic dialog and a help button which generates an email template for a feedback email which is addressed to the email address provided as parameter.

showProblematicManufacturerDialog(activity, true, "[email protected]"))
// or: Android FragmentDialog implementation
showProblematicManufacturerDialog(context, fragment, true, "[email protected]"))

No Guidance Needed

When your app contains a button to check for energy setting problems and you use the return value of the Show Dialogs methods you may want to show the user a dialog that no problems where identified.

This method does just this. It also shows a help button, which generates an email template, for a feedback email which is addressed to the email address provided as parameter so the user can report an identified problem which was not found automatically by this library.

showNoGuidanceNeededDialog(activity, "[email protected]");
// or: Android FragmentDialog implementation
showNoGuidanceNeededDialog(fragment, "[email protected]");

Dismiss Dialogs

You may want to dismiss all dialogs created by this library when the app is paused, e.g. because the user may be pausing the app to change the settings as explained in the warning.

This way you can use the Show Dialogs again in onResume() and only show the dialogs again if the settings are not correct, when the app is opened again.

protected void onPause() {
    // Only required when using the Android FragmentDialog implementations:


Developer Guide

This section is only relevant for developers of this library.

Release a new version

In case you need to publish manually to the Github Registry

  1. Make sure you are authenticated to the repository:

    • You need a Github account with write-access to this Github repository

    • Create a personal access token on Github with "write:packages" permissions

    • Copy to and adjust:

  2. Execute the publish command ./gradlew publishAll


Copyright 2019-2023 Cyface GmbH

This file is part of the Cyface Energy Settings library for Android.

The Cyface Energy Settings library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

The Cyface Energy Settings library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the Cyface Energy Settings library. If not, see


Cyface Android Energy Settings library: Checks and informs the user when a setting might prevent background location tracking







