i3lock-improved is a fork of the i3lock screen locker. Unlike the original i3lock, you can execute shell commands on wrong password input, what comes in handy when you want to do cool stuff like taking a picture of the person trying to access your computer without permission.
- pkg-config
- libxcb
- libxcb-util
- libpam-dev
- libcairo-dev
- libxcb-xinerama
- libev
- libx11-dev
- libx11-xcb-dev
- libxkbcommon >= 0.5.0
- libxkbcommon-x11 >= 0.5.0
Add this line to your local i3conf (or execute it where you want):
bindsym $mod+Escape exec --no-startup-id /path/to/i3lock-mod/./i3lock -f -s '/path/to/i3lock-mod/sample_script.sh'
In this example: Lock your screen with mod+Escape.
The sample script takes a photo with the webcam via streamer
Consider commiting your Pull Request on the main i3lock repository.