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second column y offset transformation inconsistency fixed
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table view second column exit animation done

multiple table views open xoffset update

commented and grouped logic properly

added logic to stop phase to change to update until height is updated
  • Loading branch information
shresthabijay committed May 11, 2020
1 parent b384cd2 commit 193dc50
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 3 changed files with 61 additions and 29 deletions.
24 changes: 13 additions & 11 deletions src/components/AppComponent.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,8 +23,7 @@ import Scale from './Scale'
import Tutorial from './Tutorial'
import Toolbar from './Toolbar'
import HamburgerMenu from './HamburgerMenu'
import FlatTreeRenderer from './FlatTreeRenderer.js'

import FlatTreeRenderer from './FlatTreeRenderer'

// util
import {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,24 +152,27 @@ const AppComponent: FC<Props> = (props) => {
size={!splitView ? '100%' : splitPosition || '50%'}
<div style={{marginTop:'4rem', height: '90vh'}}>
<FlatTreeRenderer />
<Scale amount={scale}>
<div style={{ height: '90vh' }}>

? (
// <Scale amount={scale}>
<Scale amount={scale}>
<Content />
// </Scale>
<Scale amount={scale}>
<Content />
// children required by SplitPane
: <div />}

<div className='nav-bottom-wrapper'>
<Scale amount={scale}>

<NavBar position='bottom' />


Expand All @@ -186,4 +188,4 @@ const AppComponent: FC<Props> = (props) => {

export default connect<StateProps, DispatchProps>(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(AppComponent)
export default connect<StateProps, DispatchProps>(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(AppComponent)
53 changes: 40 additions & 13 deletions src/components/FlatTreeRenderer.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,22 +10,33 @@ import ContentEditable from 'react-contenteditable'
import { treeToFlatArray } from '../util'

// factor by which second column of table view slides to right

// factor by which first column of table view slides to right

// factor by which x offset should be increase with each depth
const DEPTH_OFFSET = 1

const TreeNode = ({ styleProps, value, item, oldItem, springKey, phase, rotation, selectionOpacity, visibleStartDepth }) => {
const TreeNode = ({ styleProps, value, item, oldItem, springKey, phase: actualPhase, rotation, selectionOpacity, visibleStartDepth }) => {

const [bind, { height: viewHeight }] = useMeasure(value)

Note: Sometimes 'enter' phase misses the height update because height observer hook
provides actual height only after fraction of time. Since some animation (specially Y transform)
depends on height during 'enter' phase, so stopping phase to enter 'update' until height is updated.
const phase = actualPhase === 'update' && viewHeight === 0 ? 'enter' : actualPhase

// table view info
const isFirstColumn = item.viewInfo.table.column === 1
const isSecondColumn = item.viewInfo.table.column === 2
const isSecondColumnFirstItem = isSecondColumn && item.viewInfo.table.index === 0
const isOldItemSecondColumnFirstItem = oldItem ? (oldItem.viewInfo.table.column === 2 && oldItem.viewInfo.table.index === 0) : false

// depth from the first visible node
const depthOffsetFactor = (item.path.length - visibleStartDepth)
const depth = (item.path.length - visibleStartDepth)

/* ### X offset Animation ###
- handle offset with increasing depth
Expand All @@ -35,14 +46,20 @@ const TreeNode = ({ styleProps, value, item, oldItem, springKey, phase, rotation
- adjust x offset when multiple table view are open
const xOffsetCount = (
depthOffsetFactor +
depth * DEPTH_OFFSET +
(isFirstColumn ? TABLE_FIRST_COLUMN_OFFSET : 0) +
// for table view second column
(isSecondColumn ? TABLE_SECOND_COLUMN_OFFSET : 0) +
// deeper nodes adjust offset for the number of active table second columns above them
((!isFirstColumn && !isSecondColumn) ? item.viewInfo.table.activeTableNodesAbove * (TABLE_SECOND_COLUMN_OFFSET) : 0)
// deeper nodes adjust offset for the number of active first and second table columns above them
(item.viewInfo.table.tableFirstColumnsAbove) * (TABLE_FIRST_COLUMN_OFFSET) +
(item.viewInfo.table.tableSecondColumnsAbove) * (TABLE_SECOND_COLUMN_OFFSET)
) * 1.2

// check if table view second column is mounting to initiate from to X tranform animation
const shouldProvideFromXOffset = phase === 'enter' && isSecondColumn

const fromXOffsetValue = (xOffsetCount - 6)

/* ### Y Offset Animation ###
- transform second column first item to be at same vertical level as first column
Expand All @@ -57,19 +74,29 @@ const TreeNode = ({ styleProps, value, item, oldItem, springKey, phase, rotation

/* ### Overflow ###
- overflow 'hidden' is used in the wrapper div with height animation to give animated thought reveal effect.
- overflow is made visible when second column first item either entering or updating to avoid janky animation
and also when element just transitoned from table second column first item to normal view
- overflow is made visible when the node is second column first item and also when element just transitoned
from table second column first item to normal view
const overflow = phase !== 'leave' && (isSecondColumnFirstItem || (!isSecondColumnFirstItem && isOldItemSecondColumnFirstItem)) ? 'visible' : 'hidden'
const overflow = (
isSecondColumnFirstItem ||
(phase !== 'leave' && (!isSecondColumnFirstItem && isOldItemSecondColumnFirstItem))
) ? 'visible' : 'hidden'

// ### Animation Handler ###
const { height, width, x, y } = useSpring({
from: {
x: phase === 'enter' && isSecondColumnFirstItem ? (xOffsetCount - 6) : 0
Note: from is only done for specific cases like second column x-offset transform animation
shouldProvideFromXOffset ? {
x: fromXOffsetValue
} : {}
to: {
height: heightValue,
x: xOffsetCount - (phase === 'leave' && isSecondColumnFirstItem ? 6 : 0),
x: xOffsetCount - (phase === 'leave' && isSecondColumn ? TABLE_SECOND_COLUMN_OFFSET : 0),
y: yOffset,
// to-do: handle width and oveflow properly incase of table view
width: isFirstColumn ? `${(item.path.length - visibleStartDepth + 4)}rem` : '500rem'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,7 +131,7 @@ const TreeNode = ({ styleProps, value, item, oldItem, springKey, phase, rotation
{ item.hasChildren ? '▸' : '•' }
<ContentEditable html={value} style={{ flex: 1 }} placeholder='Add a thought'/>
<ContentEditable html={value} placeholder='Add a thought'/>
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13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions src/util/treeToFlatArray.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ const getFlatArray = ({
isCursorDescendant = false,
viewInfo = { table: { activeTableNodesAbove: 0, isActive: false, column: null } }
viewInfo = { table: { tableFirstColumnsAbove: 0, tableSecondColumnsAbove: 0, isActive: false, column: null } }
} = {}) => {
const parentNode = head(startingPath) || RANKED_ROOT[0]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,6 +131,8 @@ const getFlatArray = ({
? distanceFromCursor >= 0
: distanceFromCursor >= (isCursorAncestor ? 2 : 1)) && !isCursor

const tableInfo = viewInfo.table

const { depthInfo: childrenDepthInfo, flatArray: flatArrayDescendants } = stop
? { depthInfo: calculateDepthInfo(childPath, children), flatArray: [] } // stop recursion if stop is true (leaf nodes)
: getFlatArray({
Expand All @@ -144,10 +146,10 @@ const getFlatArray = ({
visibleSiblingsCount: filteredChildren.length, // children nodes won't have to itearate its siblings
pinChildren: isChildrenPinned,
viewInfo: {
table: {
activeTableNodesAbove: viewInfo.table.activeTableNodesAbove + (isTableView ? 1 : 0),
column: isTableView ? 1 : (viewInfo.table.column ? (viewInfo.table.column + 1) : null)
tableFirstColumnsAbove: tableInfo.tableFirstColumnsAbove + (tableInfo.column === 1 ? 1 : 0),
tableSecondColumnsAbove: tableInfo.tableSecondColumnsAbove + (tableInfo.column === 2 ? 1 : 0),
column: isTableView ? 1 : (tableInfo.column ? (tableInfo.column + 1) : null)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -199,7 +201,8 @@ const getFlatArray = ({
expanded: flatArrayDescendants.length > 0,
viewInfo: {
table: {
activeTableNodesAbove: viewInfo.table.activeTableNodesAbove,
tableFirstColumnsAbove: tableInfo.tableFirstColumnsAbove,
tableSecondColumnsAbove: tableInfo.tableSecondColumnsAbove,
isActive: isTableView,
column: viewInfo.table.column,
Expand Down

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