This is a non official implementation of the paper 3DPC-Net: 3D Point Cloud Network for Face Anti-spoofing
Paper Authors: Li; Xuan; Wan, Jun; Jin, Yi; Liu, Ajian; Guo, Guodong; Li, Stan Z.
Journal: IEEE/IAPR International Joint Conference on Biometrics
Year: 2020
This work is a non official implementation of 3DPC-Net. The code is prepared to train on Dataset OULU protocol 1. If you want to train on other OULU protocols you should modify get_label
inside tools/
Unfortunately, after several tests we couldn't reproduce paper results on OULU protocol 1. We didn't find a proper way to do the Preprocess pipeline: Downsample -> Normalization -> Data Augmentation (not necessarily in this order). On normalization step, we tried many ways to normalize point cloud data but none of them seems to produce correct points to classify images in live/spoof, i.e. the score (mean of points on 3 axis) is 0.5 for both labels.
Welcome for valuable issues, PRs and discussions!
First clone de repository
git clone
cd 3dpc_net
After that, download all the required dependencies.
Important Note: the version on Python for running this repository is 3.6.9
and CUDA 10.1
For other CUDA and python versions you'll need to install appropiate libs version, like pytorch3d and torch, otherwise it will raise errors.
pip3 install "torch==1.7.0+cu101" "torchvision==0.8.1+cu101" -f
pip3 install pytorch3d -f
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- The data used to train this model is the OULU dataset. In order to train it properly you need to extract the frames from the datasets. Since the OULU is heavy, this process can take some time to conclude, so be pacient.
cd preprocess
python3 --protocol 3 --protocols-folder OULU/Protocols --subset Train --processed-folder OULU_ExtractedFrames --train-folder OULU/Train_files
After extract frames from OULU folder you'll have a folder called OULU_ExtractedFrames in this structure:
Protocol_i/ # i in {1, 2, 3, 4}
Subset/ # {Train, Dev, Test}
Live/ Print_Attack/ Video_Replay_Attack/
PersonID_NumFrame.jpg # 1_1_01_1_0.jpg, 1_1_01_1_1.jpg, 1_1_01_1_3.jpg ...
- Now you need to generate point cloud labels from extracted frames. Labels are generated per protocol and division. Set onnx flag to speed up inference of your DFA model.
cd ../retinaface
cd ..
python3 --save_path OULU_labels -dp OULU_ExtractedFrames/ --protocol 3 --division 2 --subset Train --onnx
After to generate labels you'll have a folder in this structure containing cropped images and point cloud labels:
Protocol_i/ # i in {1, 2, 3, 4}
Subset/ # {Train, Dev, Test}
PersonID_NumFrame.jpg # 1_1_01_1_0.jpg, 1_1_01_1_1.jpg, 1_1_01_1_3.jpg ...
PersonID_NumFrame.npy # 1_1_01_1_0.npy, 1_1_01_1_1.npy, 1_1_01_1_3.npy ...
This new folder will be used to train your model
All parameters for training can be found at: config/DPC3_NET_config.yaml
You can also get the pretrained model at: experiments/exp_1
In order to train the model simply run:
python3 --exp_name EXPERIMENT_NAME --logs_path LOGS_PATH --cfg CFG_FILE.yaml --load_model CONTINUE_TRAIN_MODEL_PATH
If you want to run a Benchmark on OULU Test set, for example, run:
python3 --exp_folder EXPERIMENT_PATH_FOLDER --load_model MODEL_PATH
Otherwise, It can be done either with a single picture:
python3 --img IMG_PATH --model MODEL_PATH
Docker containers are virtual machines that make easier to deploy an application, without having to deal with different packages versions.
If you don't have docker installed : sudo apt-get install docker
To build the docker run:
sudo docker build -t dpc3_net .
Once it is built, run the docker with the PATH
for the training dataset
sudo docker run -ti --gpus all --shm-size=31G --ipc=host -v /3dpc_folder*:/home --name dcp3-net dpc3_net bash
*The mapped folder on docker should contain Dataset folder in order to train in docker.
Don't forget to change the config file before running the achiteture with:
python3.6 --exp_name EXPERIMENT_NAME --logs_path LOGS_PATH --cfg CFG_FILE.yaml --load_model CONTINUE_TRAIN_MODEL_PATH
We used RetinaFace face detector from InsightFace.
Training code was adapted from CDCN-Face-Anti-Spoofing.pytorch
Point Cloud labels were generated with 3DDFA_V2