two pass whitespace assembler.
wspasm <input.wspasm> <>
- nasm
- make
Let's write classic Hello world example.
; Push "Hello world\n" to the stack
push '\n'
push 'd'
push 'l'
push 'r'
push 'o'
push 'w'
push ' '
push 'o'
push 'l'
push 'l'
push 'e'
push 'H'
push 12 ; string length
swap ; swap length with char
; length -= 1
push 1
; if (length == 0) exit
jz end
jmp loop
Then translate it to whitespace with
wspasm hello.wspasm
resulted file is
Another examples you can see in the examples directory
Instruction | argument | description |
dup | - | duplicates top of the stack |
jz | label | jumps to label if top of the stack is 0 |
jl | label | jumps to label if top of the stack is negative |
jmp | label | unconditionally jumps to label |
label: | - | defines a label. Label name defined with following regexp [A-Za-z_]+[A-Za-z_0-9]* |
swap | - | swaps two top elements of the stack |
drop | - | drops top of the stack |
add | - | adds two top elements of the stack and puts result to the top of the stack |
sub | - | subtracts two top elements of the stack and puts result to the top of the stack |
div | - | divides two top elements of the stack and puts quotient to the top of the stack |
mod | - | divides two top elements of the stack and puts remainder to the top of the stack |
push | number/character | pushes number or character code to the top of the stack. number defines with following regexp -?[0-9]+. character defines with following regexp '[ntr]|.' |
store | - | puts number from the top of the stack to the heap by address defined with the second element of the stack |
load | - | loads number from heap by address defined with the top of the stack and pushes it to the top of the stack |
call | label | calls a function |
ret | - | returns from a function |
exit | - | terminates execution of the program |
putchar | - | removes character from the top of the stack and prints it |
getchar | - | reads character from stdin and puts it to the heap by address defined with the top of the stack |
putnum | - | removes number from the top of the stack and prints it |
getnum | - | reads number from stdin and puts it to the heap by address defined with the top of the stack |