A CVXPY extension for Disciplined Saddle Programming. DSP allows solving convex-concave saddle point problems, and more generally convex optimization problems we refer to as saddle problems, which include the partial supremum or infimum of convex-concave saddle functions. Saddle functions are functions that are (jointly) convex in a subset of their arguments, and (jointly) concave in the remaining arguments. A detailed description of the underlying method is given in our accompanying paper.
The DSP package can be installed using pip as follows
pip install dsp-cvxpy
The DSP package requires CVXPY 1.3 or later.
The following example creates and solves a simple saddle point problem known as a matrix game.
A saddle point problem is created by specifying an objective and a list of constraints.
Here, the objective is
import dsp
import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np
x = cp.Variable(2)
y = cp.Variable(2)
C = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 1]])
f = dsp.inner(x, C @ y)
obj = dsp.MinimizeMaximize(f)
constraints = [x >= 0, cp.sum(x) == 1, y >= 0, cp.sum(y) == 1]
prob = dsp.SaddlePointProblem(obj, constraints)
prob.solve() # solves the problem
prob.value # 1.6666666666666667
x.value # array([0.66666667, 0.33333333])
y.value # array([0.33333333, 0.66666667])
In DSP, saddle functions are created from atoms. Each atom represents a saddle function, with the convention being that the first argument is the convex argument and the second argument is the concave argument.
inner(x, y)
The inner product, with both arguments affine. -
saddle_inner(Fx, Gy)
The inner product, with convex and nonnegative, and concave. If is not nonnegative, a constraint is added. -
weighted_norm2(x, y)
The weightednorm . Here too, a constraint is added if is not nonnegative. -
weighted_log_sum_exp(x, y)
The weighted log-sum-exp function. Again a constraint is added if is not nonnegative. -
quasidef_quad_form(x, y, P, Q, S)
For a positive semidefinite matrixand a negative semidefinite matrix , this atom represents the function
saddle_quad_form(x, Y)
The quadratic form, where a positive semindefinite matrix.
Saddle functions can be scaled and composed by addition. DCP convex expressions are treated as saddle functions with no concave arguments, and DCP concave expressions are treated as saddle functions with no convex arguments. When adding two saddle functions, a variable may not appear as a convex variable in one expression and as a concave variable in the other expression.
Note that negating a saddle function switches the roles of the convex and concave arguments.
For example, -inner(x, y)
is equivalent to inner(y, -x)
, not inner(-x, y)
This might seem counterintuitive, especially for bi-affine functions, where both are DSP-compliant, but it is consistent with the fact that
To create a saddle point problem, a MinimizeMaximize
object is created first, which represents the objective function,
obj = dsp.MinimizeMaximize(f)
where f
is a DSP-compliant expression.
The syntax for specifying saddle point problems is
problem = dsp.SaddlePointProblem(obj, constraints, cvx_vars, ccv_vars)
where obj
is the MinimizeMaximize
object, constraints
is a list of constraints, and cvx_vars
and ccv_vars
lists of variables to be minimized and maximized over, respectively.
Each constraint must be DCP, and can only involve variables that are either convex or concave. When the role of a variable can be inferred, it can be omitted from the list of convex or concave variables. The role can be inferred either from a saddle atom, a DCP atom that is convex or concave, but not affine, or from a constraint, when a variable appears in a constraint that involves variables with known roles.
Nevertheless, specifying the role of each variable can add clarity to the problem formulation, and is especially useful for debugging.
To solve the problem, call problem.solve()
. This returns the optimal saddle value, which is also stored in the
problem's value
attribute. Further all value
attribute of the variables are populated with their optimal values.
A saddle extremum function has one of the forms
where LocalVariable
s. Any LocalVariable
can only be used in one saddle extremum function. The syntax for
creating a saddle extremum function is
dsp.saddle_max(f, constraints)
dsp.saddle_min(f, constraints)
where f
is a DSP-compliant scalar saddle function, and constraints
is a list of constraints, which can
only involve LocalVariable
s. DSP-compliant saddle extremum functions are DCP-convex or DCP-concave, respectively,
and as such can be used in DCP optimization problems.
An example of a saddle extremum function is
# Creating variables
x = cp.Variable(2)
# Creating local variables
y_loc = dsp.LocalVariable(2)
# Convex in x, concave in y_loc
f = dsp.saddle_inner(C @ x, y_loc)
# maximizes over y_loc
G = dsp.saddle_max(f, [y_loc >= 0, cp.sum(y_loc) == 1])
A saddle problem is a convex optimization problem that involves saddle extremum functions. Any DCP convex optimization
can include saddle extremum functions when they are DSP-compliant. Using the saddle extremum function G
from above,
we can solve the following problem:
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(G), [x >= 0, cp.sum(x) == 1])
prob.solve() # solving the problem
prob.value # 1.6666666666666667
x.value # array([0.66666667, 0.33333333])
If you want to reference DSP in your research, please consider citing us by using the following BibTeX:
title = {Disciplined Saddle Programming},
author = {Schiele, Philipp and Luxenberg, Eric and Boyd, Stephen},
journal = {Transactions on Machine Learning Research},
year = {2024},
pages = {1--25},
url = {https://openreview.net/forum?id=KhMLfEIoUm},