Fully automated and secured Terraform infra pipeline
Testing teh webhook.....
Fork GitHub Repository by using the existing repo "devops-fully-automated-infra" (https://github.com/cvamsikrishna11/devops-fully-automated-infra)
- Go to GitHub (github.com)
- Login to your GitHub Account
- Fork repository "devops-fully-automated-infra" (https://github.com/cvamsikrishna11/devops-fully-automated-infra.git) & name it "devops-fully-automated-infra"
- Clone your newly created repo to your local
- Create an Amazon Linux 2 VM instance and call it "Jenkins"
- Instance type: t2.large
- Security Group (Open): 8080, 9100 and 22 to
- Key pair: Select or create a new keypair
- Attach Jenkins server with IAM role having "AdministratorAccess"
- User data (Copy the following user data): https://github.com/cvamsikrishna11/devops-fully-automated/blob/installations/jenkins-maven-ansible-setup.sh
- Launch Instance
- After launching this Jenkins server, attach a tag as Key=Application, value=jenkins
- Join the slack channel https://join.slack.com/t/slack-wcl4742/shared_invite/zt-1kid01o3n-W47OUTHBd2ZZpSzGnow1Wg
- Join into the channel "#team-devops"
Copy your Jenkins Public IP Address and paste on the browser = ExternalIP:8080
- Login to your Jenkins instance using your Shell (GitBash or your Mac Terminal)
- Copy the Path from the Jenkins UI to get the Administrator Password
- Run:
sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
- Copy the password and login to Jenkins
- Run:
- Plugins: Choose Install Suggested Plugings
- Provide
- Username: admin
- Password: admin
- Name and Email can also be admin. You can use
all, as its a poc.
- Continue and Start using Jenkins
- Click on "Manage Jenkins"
- Click on "Plugins"
- Click "Available Plugins"
- Search and Install the following Plugings "Install Without Restart"
- Slack Notification
- Click on New Item
- Enter an item name: app-infra-pipeline & select the category as Pipeline
- Now scroll-down and in the Pipeline section --> Definition --> Select Pipeline script from SCM
- SCM: Git
- Repositories
- Repository URL: FILL YOUR OWN REPO URL (that we created by importing in the first step)
- Branch Specifier (blank for 'any'): */main
- Script Path: Jenkinsfile
- Save
- Click on Manage Jenkins --> System
- Go to section Slack
- Workspace: devopsfullyau-r0x2686 (if not working try with name of workspace devops-fully-automated)
- Credentials: Click on Add button to add new credentials
- Slack secret token (slack-token)
- Kind: Secret text
- Secret: 3jrfd3GjdMac0dgcxJwcOgQU
- ID: slack-token
- Description: slack-token
- Click on Create
- Access your repo devops-fully-automated-infra on github
- Goto Settings --> Webhooks --> Click on Add webhook
- Payload URL: htpp://REPLACE-JENKINS-SERVER-PUBLIC-IP:8080/github-webhook/ (Note: The IP should be public as GitHub is outside of the AWS VPC where Jenkins server is hosted)
- Click on Add webhook
- Access your jenkins server, pipeline app-infra-pipeline
- Once pipeline is accessed --> Click on Configure --> In the General section --> Select GitHub project checkbox and fill your repo URL of the project devops-fully-automated.
- Scroll down --> In the Build Triggers section --> Select GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling checkbox
Once both the above steps are done click on Save.
- Go back to your local, open your "devops-fully-automated" project on VSCODE
- Open "ec2.tf file" uncomment lines
- Save the changes in both files
- Finally push changes to repo
git add .
git commit -m "relevant commit message"
git push
- Go back to your local, open your "devops-fully-automated" project on VSCODE
- Open "Jenkinsfile" comment lines 59, 76-82 & uncomment lines 61, 84-90
- Save the changes in both files
- Finally push changes to repo
git add .
git commit -m "relevant commit message"
git push