The purpose of this code is to provide materials for training other engineers in the concepts of Erlang, OTP, and Elixir.
SublimeText (2/3)
- SublimeRepl (to play with console)
- PlainOldVim
- Janus
[submodule "janus/vim/langs/elixir"] path = janus/vim/langs/elixir url =
To start your new Phoenix application:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Start Phoenix router with
mix phoenix.start
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
Visiting "/" will pass whatever get params to the InputServer
'ExampleApplication' is a dependency of ElixirExapmle it is an instance of an Erlang VM application written in Elixir.
ExampleApplication has 2 GenServers and a GenEvent Handler to use as training materials.
example_application/mix.exs configures erlang vm environment variables for a server 'localhost' running on port 9292. This server is a mock external dependency. It echo's any params or body posted to it and returns json content-type response with a 200 status code.
The mock external dependency is started from ./example_application via 'rackup'.
cd ./example_application
With a http request :
GET http://u2u.local:4000/?invoice[id]=123&invoice[item]=414
The phoenix application 'ElixirSample' will call the 'ExampleApplication' InputServer with any passed get parameters as a map (dictionary). (ASYNC)
The InputServer will in mark the map with 'processed' and generate an event processed_input with the document. (ASYNC)
The Event Handler will generate another call to OutputServer to dispatch the result to the external service. (ASYNC)
The GenServer InputServer and OutputServer are written async (handle_cast) and could optionally be written syncronously 'handle_call'.