tasuke is short for the Japanese 手助け (tedasuke), meaning to give a helping hand. It aims to support OSS developers in giving each other a helping hand by connecting code reviewers to PRs in otherwise unrelated OSS repositories.
Everyone knows the lone maintainer issue in OSS - let's see if we can make it at least a little less lonely.
This project is currently under construction, with minimal functionality implemented. It includes the following components:
- Frontend web client for registering as a code reviewer
- Frontend API server (BFF) for storing registration information such as allowed review load
- GitHub webhook to listen for code review requests from registered repositories and match with a code reviewer based on registration settings
- go-curiostack - the coding stack used by the project, intended to be reusable easily for any new production-grade project
- tasukeinfra - the Terraform configuration for all the infrastructure for tasuke, on top of some bootstrapping in curioinfra.
Those interested in contributing to tasuke development can read the getting started guide for setup instructions to get ready for all the components. Alternatively, each component's README outlines what is needed for that component.