Metagenomics serves as a fundamental approach in the analysis of biological communities.
The field continuously witnesses the emergence of numerous novel tools, which in turn necessitates the validation of these tools to address the crucial challenge at hand. In light of this, we have devised an artificial data generation tool SAMOVAR
, aimed at enhancing the development of algorithms and expediting scientific discoveries. This addon implement creation of abundance files
RID contains 0.1 version - vignette in one script
main is a stable 0.2 version (source R package) with command line and app demo support
beta is an unstable 0.3 version (R package) with extended algorythms properties, parameters and much accelerated
benchmarking is a vignette used 0.1 version for metagenomic annotators cross-validation and benchmarking
merge is a python vignette for data merging based on benchmarking results with voting classifier
app is a web application use samovar 0.3.
To get the tool clone the git repository:
git clone
In your R session, source all functions:
Demo for 0.2. is now avialable at demo repository. To run it, install it and run demo.R
To use samovaR in R environment, use R_samova.R Documentation is avialable below. Main idea is to use this functions chain:
tea <- GMrepo_type2data(test = T)[[1]] %>% res_normalize %>% build_samovar %>% boil
Now samovar could be used from command line. To run and build samovar, use SH_samova.R:
Usage example:
Rscript samova.R --test --drop_unclassified > samovar.log
--help: show this massage and exit
--test: use test data as input
-n: number of data to generate. 1 by default
-o: output csv file
-is: species name to initiate. character from table. most occured by default
-il: species level to initiate. mean of is amount by default
-k: number of k-means to split the data. 10 by default
-mc: minimal amount of species per cluster. 2 by default
-trA: treshhold to remove species amounts. 0 by default
-trP: treshhold to remove species amounts. 2 by default
-nf: normalisation function of x. function(x) log10(x+1) by default
-pref: prefix of column names for new data
-inn: inner model for clusters. gaussian by default
-int: inter model for clusters. gaussian by default
--add: add novel data to current table
--drop_unclassified: drop all unclassified and unknown levels
--calc_unclassified: calculate unclassified
To be implemented:
-r: runs as input
-d: desease as input
-t: csv data.frame as input
-nP: number of runs to process. only for -r and -d
To run test build, use SHamova.R:
Usage example:
Rscript SHamova.R --test -a new_ -n 100 -is Bifidobacterium_asteroides -il 0.002 -o generated.csv
--help: show this massage and exit
--test: use test data as input
-t: treshhold to remove species occurances. 0 by default
-a: add novel data to current table. FALSE by default, or you can specify column name for new lines
-is: species name to initiate. most occured as default
-il: species level to initiate. mean as default
-o: output
To be implemented:
-r: runs as input
-d: desease as input
-t: csv data.frame as input
-n: number of runs to process. for -r and -d
If you want to run pipeline without contol on results, you can execute:
new_counts <- data %>% samovaR(...)
# Input:
# data - data.frame; columns: ncbi taxonIDs, species names, all runIDs; rows: species;
# if you use custom extraction scripts below, it is the data[[1]]
# Parameters:
# prepared - logical. is all data prepared
# reps - number of repeats
# ... - all parameters from precious stages
Or follow the pipeline to take full control on process.
data <- GMrepo_type2data(mesh_ids, ...)
#or to use with run list:
data <- GMrepo_run2data(runs, ...)
# Parameters:
# mesh_ids - character, all types ID to use from GMrepo
# runs - character, all runs ID to use from GMrepo
# number_to_process - numeric vector for number of runs per meshID. if not specified, all runs will be downloaded
# experiment_type - character, experiment type to be only downloaded from GMrepo. if not specified, all runs will be downloaded
# test - logical. if true, test data will be executed
# Output
# List:
# [1] data.frame; columns: ncbi taxonIDs, species names, all runIDs; rows: species; values: percents of all amount in sample, up to 100%
# [2] data.frame; columns: runID, desease
# [3] list;
# [3][runID] for each runID, list of length 16 whith metadeta from GMrepo
On this stage, you can split your data into groups and filter it using metadata
To check the distribution and its variations, you can run:
data %>% res_trim (...) %>% plot_data_with_treshhold()
data %>% res_trim (...) %>% plot_data_n2amount(normalisation_function = log10)
#you can use for test and similar data:
data %>% res_trim (...) %>% plot_data_n2amount(normalisation_function = function(x) log10(1/(1-log10(x)))*(1-2*log10(x)))
# Parameters:
# res_trim:
# treshhold_amount - numeric, from 0 to 1. minimal mean amount in samples to use in pipeline
# treshhold_presence - numeric, from 0 to number of reads. minimal number of samples to use in pipeline
# plots:
# normalisation_function - function(x), to normalise data
# split_n - amount to highlight on plot
data <- data %>% res_trim (treshhold_amount = 10^(-4))
data_scaled <- data %>% res_normalize(normalisation_function = function(x) log10(1/(1-log10(x)))*(1-2*log10(x)) )
# Parameters:
# res_trim:
# treshhold_amount - numeric, from 0 to 1. minimal mean amount in samples to use in pipeline
# treshhold_presence - numeric, from 0 to number of reads. minimal number of samples to use in pipeline
# res_normalize
# normalisation_function - function(x), to normalize data. log by default
# Reverse function of this operation is res_unscale(X, data, data_scaled) and takes: data_scaled(X) -> data(X)
Visualize and determine number of k-means to split the initial matrix. Should work faster for bigger k-means values, but extrime numbers results in loss of complexity
data_scaled %>% res_cluster_dendro
data_scaled %>% res_cluster_PCA2D
# Parameters:
# k_means - numeric, number of k-means to use
# speices - logical, by default true. if false, distribution of runs will be shown
samovar <- data_scaled %>% build_samovar(...)
# Input:
# data_scaled: scaled data frame; columns, samples; rows, species;
# Parameters:
# k_means - numeric, number of k-means to use
# inner_model - character, type of global linear model to use in calculation for species cluster, processed by glm(). gaussian by default
# inter_model - character, type of global linear model to use in calculation between species clusters, processed by glm(). gaussian by default
# prepared - logical. set true, if you follow pipeline steps or have a data frame with all values above 0 and normal distribution. false by default. _to be implemented
# Output:
# List:
# [1] list
# [1][cluster] for each cluster: matrix of glm R squares of each cluster
# Now is calculated as:
# glm(sp1[value > 0] ~ sp2[value > 0], family = inner_model)
# [2] list
# [2][cluster] for each cluster: matrix of probabilities of each two samples to co-occure.
# Now is calculated as:
# N(cases with both species) / sum(cases with one or two species), e.a. W(a&b)/W(a|b). It is planned to implement Bayesian analise of co-ocurance.
# [3] matrix of glm R squares between each cluster
# Now is calculated as:
# glm(mean(cl1) ~ mean(cl2), family = inter_model). It is planned to implement multidimensional GLM for this calculation.
# [4] list, parametrs of samovar
new_reads <- boil(data, data_scaled, samovar, ...)
# Input
# if prepared = true
# data: data.frame; columns, samples; rows, species;
# data_scaled: scaled data.frame; columns, samples; rows, species;
# samovar: list from precious step
# if prepared = false
# data: data.frame; columns, samples; rows, species;
# Parameters:
# prepared - logical. is all data prepared
# reps - number of repeats
# ... - all parameters from precious stages
To be implemented. Now can be contoled using corrplot
plot_corr(data, new_reads)
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