A voting system for student Division Meeting (Sektionsmöte).
- Anonymous voting.
- Allows set amount of options to be accepted (eg, allow 3 options out of 5 to be accepted). So if the amount of allowed options is 2 and the options are "Agda", "Haskell" and "Erlang" both "Agda" and "Haskell" could be chosen. (personinval där en kommitté har limiterat antal platser)
- Scissor
- Own printer
- Anonymity
- Security for man in the middle.
- Security for session hijacking.
Server on heroku needs to be kept alive (sleeps after 30 mins of inactivity by default) using something like the following script:
while true; do
curl -s https://${SERVERNAME}.herokuapp.com/health-check
sleep 60
- node
- npm
npm start
docker build -t cthit/voteit .
docker run cthit/voteit