A retro fantasy RPG-inspired Party HUD with Enemy health bars
The Party list (top left) is populated with the following:
- All Actors assigned as a "Selected Character" to a User (with a game option to have this only apply to logged-in users)
- While a Combat is active, additionall all friendly disposition combatants
The Enemy targeting (bottom middle) is populated with the following:
- Any targeted Tokens that are not in the Party List
- Any Combatants that have had the "Toggle MMO Health Bar" button in the combatants list toggled on
This should generally work on all systems, but it has explicit additional support for:
- 13th Age
- PF2E (including their conditions)
Clicking a party member toggles targeting it, and targeted friendly tokens get an indicator as well!
game.actors.get(<ID>).setFlag("mmo-hud", "image", "my-cool-image-to-render-instead.png")