This is the starter set to start Java application development with Gradle using Gretty.
You will need Java, Node.js, Gradle to run this project (or simply Docker).
You can run ./script/
to start application and go to http://localhost:8080/hello
to see HelloServlet working.
You can start adding more Java Servlets under src/main/java
folder to continue
In brief, there are two side of story in this project: front end development and back end development.
client/ -> Front end resources
src/ -> Source codes
app.js -> JavaScript entry/main file
test/ -> Test folder
.babelrc -> JavaScript transpiling configuration (through BabelJS)
package.json -> Front end dependencies in npm packages (if any)
webpack.config -> Bundler configuration
/java/ -> Your java classes
edu/csula/web/ -> HelloServlet for example
/webapp/ -> Your front end resources
js/ -> JavaScript assets
app.bundle.js -> Bundled JavaScript code from `client/src`
build.gradle -> necessary gradle definition
build/ -> built files
classes -> compiled java classes