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Autoencoding visual-to-auditory sensory substitution

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Autoencoded sensory substitution

Visual-to-auditory (V2A) sensory substitution stands for the translation of images to sound, in the interest of aiding the blind. The generated soundscapes should convey visual information, ideally representing all the details on the given image, with as short a sound sequences as possible. Traditional V2A conversion methods apply an explicitly predefined function that transforms the input image pixel-by-pixel to soundscapes, superimposing them in the final step. Here is the implementation of a novel conversion approach, which posits sensory substitution as a compression problem.

Optimal compression is learnt and computed by a recurrent variational autoencoder, called AEV2A. The autoencoder takes an image as input, translates it to a sequence of soundscapes, before reconstructing the image in an iterative manner, drawing on a canvas. The neural network implementation is based on the DRAW model; the repository from which the code was initially cloned can be found here. AEV2A further builds on WaveGAN (repo here).

Videos on the visual-auditory correspondence of two models have been compiled and merged. Here are the videos for the hand dataset and table dataset trained models. For further details check this blog post or the thesis here.

Have fun with the tools given here! Record a dataset from the screenshots of a monochrome old mobile game for example, and train a AEV2A model on it. Who knows, you may end up with a new audio encoded game that blind (or even sighted) people can enjoy!


Implementation has been tested on Linux (Ubuntu), but the core learning parts should run regardless of the operating system. The following instructions are for Ubuntu only. Every library that's in brackets are not necessary for training purposes, but needed for either dataset generation or testing/visualization.

Dataset generation may involve running a Matlab script, if only the contour of the images are planned to fed to the network. The contour detection Matlab scripts are under matlab/faster_corf/, originally cloned from the Push-Pull CORF repository. For further information consult the paper. Alternatively, you can choose to perform Sobel edge detection or no edge detection at all, in which cases Matlab is not necessary to be installed.

  • python >=3.6, [ffmpeg, opencv]
  • Python packages: numpy, scikit-image, matplotlib, tables, [csv, simpleaudio, scipy, scikit-learn, pymatlab]
  • Tensorflow 1.9.x: other versions may work too; GPU package recommended.
sudo apt-get install python3.6
sudo python3.6 -m pip install
sudo pip3 install numpy scikit-image tables matplotlib
sudo pip3 install tensorflow-gpu  # requires CUDA-enabled GPU
# not mandatory for training purposes:
sudo apt-get install python3-opencv ffmpeg
sudo pip3 install csv simpleaudio scipy scikit-learn pymatlab

How to run


AEV2A is trained unsupervised, meaning, the image set is the only data needed to train the network. You can either download the hand gesture or table dataset used in the study, or generate your own from a set of images or videos. Consult the readme under data/ for further info.

The hand gesture dataset includes contour images of 15 different postures, in varying horizontal and vertical positions. The table image set depicts contours of either a beer can or a gear on a surface, again in varying positions.

Hand gesture dataset was used to assess how visual categories can be differentiated perceptually when turned into sound. AEV2A model trained on table image samples was part of a experiment testing whether spatial information is perceptually maintained in the auditory domain.


Before starting the training, a configuration has to be defined containing the hyperparameters of the autoencoder. All configurations should be specified in the configurations.json file. You could just use the default configuration already present in the json file, or create a new one according to the default. In you may find a short description for each parameter; for further details check the thesis. The default config contains the same parameters as we used in the study to learn hand posture images.

To start the training process, just run the script like so:

python config_name data/dataset.hdf5 train

You may substitute the name of the configuration and the dataset path, and could add further parameters as (in order): number of training epochs, frequency of logs (number of trained batches between Tensorboard logs), frequency of model saves and a postfix string for the model in case there are multiple models with the same configuration. All of the command line arguments are optional, so for testing purposes you could just simply run the script like: python

Tensorboard analysis

If you run the training with a frequency of logs greater than zero (100 by default), tensorboard summaries are produced and stored under summary/. Summaries include training and test loss plots, sound property (frequency, amplitude, source location) distributions, drawn/decoded images and the synthesized audio. Tensorboard provides an easy, fast way to assess the efficacy of your model, run it like:

tensorboard --logdir=./summary  # if you are in the root folder of this repo
# now open a web browser and type the url 'localhost:6006' to open the dashboard

The long model names, automatically defined by the model parameters, come handy in tensorboard, where one can filter trained models using regex for the purpose of comparing them.

Video generation

If you installed the optional packages above, you can generate videos that play the soundscapes alongside the drawing, as a mean for the intuitive assessment of the sound-to-visual correspondence. Videos are stored under the vids/ folder; there should also be a longer video, which is the concatenation of the rest.

python config_name data/dataset.hdf5 test 0 0 model_name_postfix

If you have only one model for the given configuration set (without a postfix identifier), you may leave out the last three parameters.

Testing on images

The script initiates a selected, already trained model, feeds images to it from the given dataset, and plays the soundscape synthesized from the image. You can change images front and back by pressing D and A keys. You can select whether the sequence of images are chosen randomly or are predetermined. It may take the input images from either the train or the test set.

python cfg_name test seq model_name_postfix

This script could be used as an experimental tool, in which the presented image has to be named by the listener, and hence, the discrimination accuracy can be assessed.

Live demo

You may run your AEV2A model live by taking a video with your Android phone and listening to the corresponding audio representation at the same time. In our implementation, the captured video is streamed to your PC, where it gets translated into sound, so you may listen to it. Ideally, you would place your phone inside a VR helmet/cardbox, fastening the camera at eye level; headphones are essential. runs the live demo. Similarly to the dataset generation phase, you can set whether to apply the more sophisticated CORF edge detection algorithm (Matlab required), just Sobel, or nothing at all.

To set up your Android phone with the trained AEV2A model, you first need to:

  1. Install the IP Webcam app from Google Play, launch it and set the video resolution to 320x240 under Video preferences
  2. Connect your phone via USB to the computer that runs the script
  3. Turn USB tethering on the phone, but turn off WiFi and mobile data
  4. Launch the IP Webcam app and press "Start server".
  5. Start the script with parameters providing whether to run in "test" or "fast" mode (test mode shows how the contour image and the decoder reconstructed image looks like real time), the edge detection algo to apply (corf, sobel or nothing), the mobile ip of your phone (displayed in the IP Webcam app), the name of the model configuration and postfix identifier, if used any.
python test corf mobile_ip config_name model_name_postfix

After the model is loaded, you should be seeing three windows of images showing the original, contour and reconstruction stages. The audio should be playing at the same time, too.

Image-to-sound conversion disentanglement

In order to attain a high level, intuitive understanding of the V2A mapping, correlations between visual and auditory features can be computed, and such feature pairs may be plotted together to see the conversion logic behind the AEV2A model. By first labeling (a subset of) the images, you can switch between labels and listen to the sound representation of instances to further build your intuition.

Run first to generate a dataset of drawings and corresponding sound features for further analysis:

python cfg_name test seq model_name_postfix performs the analysis part. The script has multiple stages that you can activate or deactivate by editing the ANAL dictionary. The script originally was designed to examine two models, one trained on the hand, the other on the table dataset. You may provide the same config name for both model1_cfg_name and model2_cfg_name command line parameters to limit the analysis to one model:

python cfg_name test model1_cfg_name model2_cfg_name

It's essential to have an intuitive understanding of the conversion function, so, when used by blind people, it can be described in words, which is shown to lead to rapid learning.

What else

You may run the script separately to test how different audio generation hyperparameters influence the resulting soundscapes and soundstreams within. Such hyperparameters can be found in the beginning of the script.

Hearing models are defined in

tf_carfac is a Tensorflow implementation of the CARFAC cochlear model. Building and running the model takes way too much memory and time, even for short sound bits. So yeah, basically useless, but it's here if you need it.

Trained models are saved under the training folder, Tensorboard summaries under summary, generated videos under vids. results should contain images of the canvas taken at each step of drawing.

Contribute to the project as much as you like! If you want to know more, check the thesis or just email me: at gmail dot com.

Model structure

x is the input image, ct is the state of the canvas at iteration t. ht is the hidden state of either the encoder or the decoder RNN (LSTM). zt is drawn from a Normal distribution parametrized by the output of the encoder network. at is the audio representation, that is, a series of frequency, amplitude and spatial modulated soundstreams.


Tóth, Viktor & Laurie, Parkkonen. Autoencoding sensory substitution. (Aalto University, 2019).


Autoencoding visual-to-auditory sensory substitution







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